2.3 List Items Tile

The "List Items" tile type lets you create tiles displaying the items of a SharePoint list or library.
You can select a specific set of items by referring to the corresponding list view.
This tile uses predefined item templates which can be customized as illustrated by the second example below.

Document Library Example:

This example displays the documents contained in the "Documents" library, referring to the "Most Recent" list view:

Title: Top Documents
URL: http://domain/Documents/Forms/Most Recent.aspx
The second example also uses the "/showtype" parameter to display the file icons:
Content: /showtype
The third example uses the "/bigtype" parameter to display big file icons:
Content: /bigtype
List Items Tile displaying documents from a Sharepoint document library

List Items Tile displaying documents from a Sharepoint document library

List Items Tile displaying documents from a Sharepoint document library

Calendar Example:

This example displays the events contained in the "Calendar" list, referring to the "Current Events" calendar view:

Title: Upcoming Events
URL: http://domain/Lists/Calendar/MyItems.aspx
List Items Tile displaying appointments from a Sharepoint calendar

Links Example:

This example displays the events contained in the "MenuLinks" Links list, which contains a column named "Icon" holding a specific icon for each list item:

URL: http://domain/Lists/MenuLinks.aspx

List Items Tile displaying quick links from a Sharepoint Links list

Classifieds Example:

This example displays the list items contained in the "Classifieds" list and uses the "Generic" item template to display the attachment, title, author and modified date:

Title: New Classifieds
URL: http://domain/Lists/Classifieds/Top3.aspx
Content: /template=Generic/dialog=Generic
Target: Dialog
List Items Tile displaying the most recent Classifieds postsfrom a Sharepoint list

Optional Parameters:

You can specify additional options by appending the below parameters to the "Content" setting:

/max=10Max. number of items displayed
/none=Currently no upcoming eventsMessage displayed if no items are available
/showtypedisplay small file icons when pointing at a document library
/bigtypedisplay big file icons when pointing at a document library
/template=Eventsuse the specifed template to render the list items
/dialog=Eventuse the specified dialog template to display an item in the dialog popup
/style=margin-top:10pxadd CSS styles to render the list items
/footer=this is a list footeradd a footer at the bottom of the tile
/max=5limit the number of list items to be displayed
/none=currently no itemsdefine the text to be displayed if no items are returned
/showendtimedisplay the event endtime when pointing at a Sharepoint calendar

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Manuela Hofmarcher  
12/3/2021 10:45 
I want to show the documents in this Tile. This works fine!
Furthermore I want to group it by a column in the documents list. Is it possible to do this?
12/13/2021 13:02 
the „List Items“ tile does not support grouping but you can actually use the „List“ tile which displays the list/library the same way as Sharepoint does. You thus can configure the "List" tile to use a list view that has been configured as needed (including grouping the list items).