2.13 KPI Tile

The "KPI" tile displays the selected KPI indicator (as defined in the AE KPI List).
KPI's based on the item count or the sum of a list column of a Sharepoint list or list view can be created
by entering the list or list view URL into the "URL" setting.

More complex KPI's require the AE KPI web part to be installed in the farm.
In this case the name of the KPI indicator (as defined in the AE KPI List) is entered into the "Content" setting.

Basic KPI (number of specific list items):

This example displays the number of active posts in the "Tickets" Sharepoint list and also links to the "Tickets" list.

Title: Helpdesk
Content: /caption=Items needing attention
URL: http://domain/Lists/OpenTickets.aspx
KPI Tile displaying the number of items in the selected list view

Number of specific list items ("bounds" parameter):

This example displays the number of tasks in progress in a Sharepoint Tasks list and colors the tile according to the "/bounds" parameter.
If the number is below "3", the tile is green, if the number is between "3" and "7", the tile is orange and if the number is above "7", the tile is red.
The "/%" parameter displays the count as a percentage (relative to the total number of tasks).
Title: Tasks In Progress
Content: /%/bounds=7,3
URL: http://domain/Lists/Tasks/InProgress.aspx
KPI Tile displaying the number of tasks in the selected list view

Status based on a Yes/No column:

This example displays the status based on the "Active" yes/no list column and colors the tile according to the status.
The "Active=no" parameter specifies the name of the yes/no column and its "good" status value ("no" equals green and "yes" equals "red").
The "URL" setting includes the "?ID=" parameter to address a specific list item.
Title: Internet Access
Content: Active=no
URL: http://domain/Lists/Alerts/AllItems.aspx?ID=3
KPI Tile displaying the status of a yes/no column in the selected list view

Sum of a list column:

This example displays the sum of the "Sales" list column and colors the tile according to the "/bounds" parameter.
The "/format=C0" parameter formats the number as a currency with zero decimal places).
Title: Customer Sales
Content: /sum=Sales/bounds=100000,400000/format=C0
URL: http://domain/Lists/Customers/AllItems.aspx
KPI Tile displaying the sum of a column in the selected list view

Number of open tasks (using the AE KPI web part):

This example displays the number of open tasks in the "Tasks" Sharepoint list as defined by the "Open Project Tasks" KPI defined in the AE KPI list:

Content: Open Project Tasks
KPI Tile displaying the number of tasks in the selected Task list view

Number of pending tasks:

This example displays the number of pending tasks in the "Tasks" Sharepoint list using the "/gauge" displays option to display the KPI as a gauge:

Content: Pending Project Tasks/gauge
KPI Tile displaying the number of pending tasks in the selected Task list as a gauge

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Manuela Hofmarcher  
12/3/2021 10:35 
The KPI Tile is not aligned correctly with the other tiles. The Tile is slipping down. What can I do to avoid this behavior?
Manuela Hofmarcher  
12/3/2021 10:39 
Also the font size and color of the title is different to the other Tiles (eg. Single List Item).
The CSS does not affect the title in the KPI tile whereas the title in other tiles (eg. Single List Item) behave as expected when adding CSS styles.
12/13/2021 13:18 
please add the desired CSS style to the tile's "Title" setting as illustrated below:

Ideas in Pipeline/style=font-size:17px;color=black/center