2.19 Weather Tile

The "Weather" tile displays the current weather for the selected location.
You will first need to install the free Weather Metro web part by downloading it from:

SP 2013: /download/AEWeatherMetroWebpart2013.zip
SP 2016: /download/AEWeatherMetroWebpart2016.zip
SP 2019: /download/AEWeatherMetroWebpart2019.zip


This example displays the current weather for Los Angeles by entering the weather location code into the "Content" setting.
You can look up the weather location code here: Location Codes Lookup Tool

Content: USCA0638
Weather Tile displaying the current weather

Celsius setting:

This example displays the current weather in degrees Celsius by appending "/celsius" to the weather location code in the "Content" setting.

Content: CAXX0301/celsius
Weather Tile displaying the current weather

Backdrop Image:

This example uses a backdrop image as opposed to a background color:

Content: USNY0996
Background: http://somedomain/someLibrary/NewYork.jpg
Weather Tile using a backdrop image

Forecast setting:

This example displays the current weather in degrees Celsius by appending "/days=xx" (where "xx" is is the number of days) to the weather location code in the "Content" setting.

Content: USNY0996/days=3
Weather Tile displaying the weather forecast

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