This section shows how to create tiles that point to Sharepoint Lists and Libraries.
Create a tile using the "Text" tile type and enter the URL of the list or the specific list view into the tile's "URL" setting.
The first tile to the right is linked to a SharePoint assets library and thus automatically displays the corresponding icon.
You can also embed the "[count]" placeholder in the "Content" setting to display the number of items in the tile.
This example uses the below settings:
Title: Video Library
URL: http://somedomain/VideoAssets/Forms/Thumbnails.aspx
Displaying the number of list items:
The second and fourth tiles to the right also display the number of items in the list or list view.
Embed the "[count]" placeholder in the "Content" setting to display the number of items in the tile.
Title: Upcoming Events
Content: [count]
URL: http://somedomain/Lists/Calendar/SomeCalendarView.aspx
Displaying the "Last updated" information:
The third and fourth tiles to the right also display the date of the list's last update.
Embed the "[updated]" placeholder in the "Content" setting to display the "last updated" date.
Title: Upcoming Events
Content: [updated]
URL: http://somedomain/someDocLibrary/Forms/AllItems.aspx
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