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SQL Gauge Web Part

The SQL Bullet Graph Gauge Web Part allows to display data values from the specified SQL Server database, OLE-DB or ODBC data source as either a KPI indicator, a Bullet Graph or a gauge.
For configuration details see also /apps/page.asp?Q=5782
Sharepoint 2019 SQL Gauge Web Part

Web Part Configuration:

enter the optional web part title

Web Part:

enter the below configuration options:

connection=enter the database connection string
pwd=enter the connection password
query=enter the SQL query
rangevalues=enter the values for the KPI ranges
rangecolors=enter the RGB values for the KPI range colors
type=Gauge (choose one of the available KPI types)
caption=enter the optional chart caption
captioncss=enter the caption CSS styles
width=150 (enter the chart width in pixels)
kpilabels=Goal;actual (enter the KPI labels)
precision=2 (set the values's number of decimal places)

Web Part Configuration
Webpart Homepage & Download »

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Eric Gonzalez  
9/14/2023 18:16 
How can i Get this to work i would like to see a Tile for each office
query=Select Office,Units,BreakEven from (Call spGetBreakEven(curdate() -14, curdate()) )as a;
9/15/2023 12:32 
please also specify your database connection via the below parameter as eg.:

connection=UID=sa;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Data Source=YourSQLServer

Please see a collection of examples of connection strings here:
Eric Gonzalez  
9/15/2023 21:25 
I use that parameters option because it refers back to a file that has the connection string using the AESQL webpart. Will this webpart allow me to do that also?
Eric Gonzalez  
9/29/2023 20:00 
is there a way to have the Range values pull from the SQL Query?
Select X as [Actual] , Y as Goal
10/2/2023 11:49 
you can select uo to 4 values via the SELECT statement:

SELECT ActualValue,ReferenceValue,LowerLimit,UpperLimit FROM ..

This allows you to dynamically select the range transitions point.

Please also note that the SQL Gauge web part currently does not support the “parameters” configuration option as the SQL Query Viewer web part. Would this be important for you ?