
Nummer 2 November 1997
(siehe auch Nummer 1 Juli 1997)
(siehe auch Nummer 3 Sept. 1998)


Outlook 16bit & Mac
Outlook 98
Event in D�sseldorf
DocMan/X Beta
Resource Center News



PLATINUM am Horizont
Microsoft entwickelt zur Zeit die n�chste Version von Exchange Server unter dem Codenamen "Platinum". Gem�ss Aussage von Microsoft wird Platinum 3 bis 6 Monate nach der offiziellen Auslieferung von NT 5.0 verf�gbar sein. Microsoft erwartet die Auslieferung von NT 5.0 in der ersten Jahresh�lfte 1998. Platinum wird unter anderem die neue Active Directory-Architectur von NT 5.0 beinhalten und in die NT- und Exchange Management Konsole integriert sein.

Microsoft Outlook f�r Windows 3.1x und Macintosh
Die Versionen von Microsoft Outlook™ f�r Windows 3.1x und Macintosh verbessern die E-Mail-Interoperabilit�t mit Outlook 97 (32-bit Windows), ohne dass neue Hardware f�r Windows 3.1x oder Macintosh-Benutzer n�tig ist.
Die neuen Outlook-Clients f�r Windows 3.1x und Macintosh sind ideal f�r Kunden mit Microsoft Exchange Server, welche eine schrittweise Migration in die 32-bit Windows-Welt planen.
Kunden, welche langfristig die Macintosh oder 16-bit Windows-Plattformen beibehalten wollen, haben die zus�tzliche Wahl, sowohl Outlook Express f�r Messaging wie auch Outlook Web Access f�r Terminplanung zu verwenden. Microsoft wird den Support f�r die Mac -und Windows 3.x -Exchange Clients resp. Schedule+ auch in Zukunft garantieren.
Details auf der Microsoft Outlook Webseite.

N�chste Version von Outlook in Sicht
An der Microsoft Exchange Conference in San Diego zeigte Rich Tong (Vice President Marketing Microsoft Personal Business Systems Division) eine Vorabversion der n�chsten Version von Microsoft Outlook™.
Zitat Pressemitteilung:

"The preview offered a quick, exciting glimpse of what the Outlook team is planning for current and future Outlook users. The next version of Outlook will offer enhancements in three major areas:

  1. Usability, with features that are more intuitive and easier to find.
  2. Customer satisfaction, including improved performance, easier setup and configuration, and calendar and contact improvements.
  3. Internet standards support,with complete support for Internet standards such as SMTP/POP3, IMAP4, and LDAP.

The technology preview showcased an Outlook product that incorporated these enhancements through the following features:

  • A simplified user interface. The interface includes a new search tool that makes it easy to find e-mail messages, contacts, or even appointments. A new organize tool assists you in the creation and management of e-mail folders, and introduces new conditional formatting rules that allow you to color-code your e-mail messages based on specific criteria.
  • HTML e-mail support. This feature also includes support for stationary, so you can add a personal touch to all your e-mail messages.
  • Support for background synchronization and filtered replication. If you use Outlook in conjunction with Microsoft Exchange Server, you can quickly synchronize your off-line mail store, and you can replicate only the Outlook records that you specify through your own filter settings.

This version of Outlook (name to be revealed in an upcoming announcement) will be available in the first half of 1998. Current Exchange Server, Office 97, and Outlook 97 users will be eligible for a no-charge upgrade to this version of Outlook—details to be announced later. In addition, Microsoft will provide information about an Outlook beta program later this year."

siehe auch Outlook 98 Frequently Asked Questions

Microsoft Exchange Konferenz 97 D�sseldorf
D�sseldorf, 01.12.1997, 08:30 Uhr bis 18:30 Uhr

Erfahren Sie mehr �ber Microsoft Exchange Server als ausgezeichnete L�sungsplattform f�r die Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit in Ihrem Unternehmen. Insbesonders wird die n�chste Version 5.5 von Exchange Server 5.5 vorgestellt. Ein breites Angebot an Vortr�gen vermittelt Ihnen umfassende Informationen rund um das Thema Microsoft Exchange Server. Die Konferenz wird von einer Ausstellung begleitet, auf der Sie eine gro�e Anzahl von Zusatzprodukten und L�sungen f�r Exchange vom Microsoft Partnern kennenlernen k�nnen.

Anmeldung bis 16. November 1997 DM 295,- zzgl. MwSt
Anmeldung ab 17. November 1997 DM 375,- zzgl. MwSt

Neu: DocMan/X Document Management Extensions f�r Microsoft Exchange
Das zur Zeit in Entwicklung stehende Document Management System f�r Exchange ist nun in einer Beta-Version verf�gbar. Falls Sie interessiert sind, am Beta-Programm teilzunehmen, setzen Sie sich mit mit uns in Verbindung (Andreas Dick, Tel. 062 823 75 75 oder direkt via E-Mail).
Details auf der DocMan/X-Seite.

Exchange Resource Center Neuzug�nge
Details siehe unter Exchange Resource Center
  • Phone Access Using voice modem technology, MailFlow Phone Access allows you to listen to your E-mail messages anywhere in the world.
  • Messaging Central Global System Services Corporation (GSS) runs Messaging Central, a major web resource devoted to electronic messaging integration and migration.
  • CyberVoice E-mail CyberVoice E-mail is a Windows 95 / NT application that replaces typed e-mail messages with direct speech (your voice!).
  • Outlook Calendar Access for Microsoft Schedule+ 7.x This driver enables you to open Microsoft Outlook calendars from within Schedule+ 7.x. This works only with Windows NT or Windows 95 versions of Schedule+ 7.x.
  • NetIQ AppManager for Microsoft Exchange The NetIQ AppManager for Microsoft Exchange Server lets you centrally manage and monitor the performance and availability of distributed Exchange servers from a central console.
  • The E-Mail Retriever The Email Retriever is a complement to Microsoft Exchange Server (or other* SMTP servers). It allows you to bring corporate email solution to a whole company through non dedicated internet access (modem/ISDN/etc...).
  • Pager Wizard Version 1.10.00 There are times when you wish you had your phone numbers with you. With the Pager Wizard you can pick which names and phone numbers you want sent to your pager from Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0.
  • Wireless Secretary for Outlook 97 Wireless Secretary for Outlook 97 forwards Microsoft Outlook email, appointments, events and tasks to alphanumeric pagers.
  • Notes/Exchange Connect Notes/Exchange connect is a transport provider for Microsoft Exchange or other MAPI compliant client interfaces, for connecting to Lotus Notes v4.
  • MailBox Converter MailBox Converter (MBC) moves existing Lotus Notes mail databases and cc:Mail archive files to Microsoft Exchange.
  • Using Excel To Do a Bulk Mailing in Outlook This paper shows you how you can use Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Outlook to automate a bulk personal mailing.
  • Topper Topper is a major new, 32 bit version of the well-established Topper product, which provides an integrated monitoring, alerting and reporting tool for heterogeneous e-mail environments.
  • CallWare CallWare Technologies Inc. announced integration with Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Outlook to provide unified messaging for both mobile and office-based users.
  • NetPop! NetPop! monitors multiple telephone lines, allowing network PC users to watch calls as they are made and received.
  • TransCOM Multi line feature PC phone, voice mail, unified message center, URL dialer, a remote and desktop personal assistant, handset management, remote notification, call forwarding, music on hold and text to speech. Standard Edition supports Microsoft Outlook, Exchange and Personal Information Managers.
  • TFS Translator With TFS Translator, outbound messages passing through the gateway can be translated into one of the available languages.
  • MailVox If your company has installed MailVox, you can find out with a fast voice phone call whether or not you have any new messages.
  • ListServer for MS Exchange ReddFish has produced an Internet ListServer application for Microsoft Exchange Server, which provides internet email users with access to Exchange Server's "Distribution Lists".
  • Pocket Four11 Pocket Four11 is the easiest way to find people, update your address book, and send them e-mail. Best of all, it's free!
  • YGM Page This program will page you when you receive new mail in your inbox.
  • SmartForward 96 A standalone MAPI program for Microsoft Exchange to forward faxes from a fax dedicated computer to their intended recipients.
  • Private Gateway Service PGS allows mobile users to wirelessly access Microsoft Exchange, from virtually anywhere in the U. S.
  • Pelican Messenger The simple way to redirect your incoming mail and fax messages to any number of destinations.
  • CaPrint CaPrint for Windows 95/NT is a custom action for MS Outlook 97 Rules Wizard and MS Exchange Inbox Assistant.
  • CaRedirect CaRedirect for Windows 95/NT is a custom action for MS Outlook 97 Rules Wizard and MS Exchange Inbox Assistant.
  • CaSave CaSave for Windows 95/NT is a custom action for MS Outlook 97 Rules Wizard and MS Exchange Inbox Assistant.
  • Ascom Secure Mail Ascom Mail adds top-level security to Microsoft Exchange by providing strong authentication and encryption using the 128-bit IDEA� cryptographic algorithm.
  • FAXCHANGE 2.0 FaxChange is an extremely powerful fax server integrated into the environment of electronic mail of Microsoft Exchange Server.
  • Compression Automatically compresses/decompresses attachments sent between mail clients.
  • Enterprise Interaction Center Enterprise Interaction Center (EIC) is a radically new Java-based communications system for LANs and intranets.
  • WorldSecure WorldSecure Client is the desktop component of Worldtalk's "WorldSecure" family of products.
  • Signature Fortune Cookie The Signature Fortune Cookie (SFC) is a program which updates a selected signature file fortune cookie line.
  • AutoSign This custom action uses Notes folders in Microsoft Outlook to organize any number of collections of signatures that can be applied to messages, based on Rules Wizard rules.
  • WinUUCP/XP This package represents a MAPI-compliant UUCP transport service for such MAPI-mailers as Microsoft Exchange.
  • My Schedule My Schedule allows you to get pager/email notifications from your Outlook Calendar appointments.
  • MobileCHOICE With MobileCHOICE, you can now page your associates, friends and family right from Microsoft� Outlook.
  • Resolve E-mail Address Utility ResolveEmail.exe is a small VB program that will resolve all your Outlook Contacts' e-mail addresses.
  • SMS Mail-Server The SMS-Mail-Server provides a bidirectional Interface between MS-Exchange and Cellular Phones for SMS-Messaging and E-Mail Exchange.
  • Syclo Information Manager Imagine using your cellular phone to look up an entry in your Schedule+ address book.� You retrieve all of the person's phone numbers and with the touch of a button, give them a call.�
  • Open File Manager Open File Manager allows your existing backup applications access to files including live Microsoft Exchange data, even if they are open and in use.
  • Open|EC BusinessLink Open|EC(tm) BusinessLink is an Exchange Server-based EDI and electronic commerce engine.
  • RedBox Fax Router The RedBox Fax Router is a scalable Windows NT-based software system that tightly integrates fax capabilities with an organization's existing e-mail systems such as Exchange, Windows applications and other business applications.
  • Reference Folders 1.0 for Exchange Reference Folders 1.0 is an Exchange Server Add-In product that allows any Exchange Public Folder to "Reference" or "Point at" other folders.
  • Mail IXCHANGE This Division provides Internet eMail, X400, MHS/ccMail and Fax switching facilities to Microsoft Exchange organisations (or Microsoft Mail) that require links to the rest of the world, without the traditional security and cost issues.
  • AXXESSORYTalk Inter-Tel's digital Voice Processing platform, AXXESSORYTalk, will integrate with other messaging media such as e-mail and fax, using Microsoft Exchange Client as the universal inbox for managing messages.
  • RPK InvisiMail RPK InvisiMail is a standards-based e-mail security add-in for POP3/SMTP Internet e-mail software and Internet gateway servers including Microsoft Exchange and Outlook.
  • E-Commerce: Movement Management System for Exchange Manages flow of transactions between intra-company applications and inter-company using a wide variety of methods from X.12 to FAX to E-Mail to Exchange Forms.
  • Group Schedule For Microsoft Outlook connected to Microsoft Exchange Server, displays the schedules for a group of users in a color-coded grid.
  • DMX EASTMAN SOFTWARE Document Manager for Microsoft� Exchange (DMX) provides powerful document management services to Microsoft Exchange users.
  • Workfolder for Microsoft Exchange EASTMAN SOFTWARE WorkFolder for Microsoft Exchange (WFX) leverages the Microsoft Exchange messaging infrastructure to deliver powerful work management and collaborative capabilities.
  • MailMax Working within existing email packages, MailMax provides three options (including drag and drop) to automatically archive all or selected email messages to an infobase.
  • 2MA Mail Management Agent MessageWise has developed a product designed to help you better manage your organization's Exchange Network.
  • Document Management Extensions Document Management fully integrated with Microsoft� BackOffice and Microsoft� Office.
  • FaxPress Exchange Direct Castelle's FaxPress Exchange Direct (Exchange Direct) uses your Windows� Messaging software to send and receive faxes from within your e-mail environment.
  • ManageX If you are a Systems Manager, Database Administrator, Groupware Administrator, or Operations Manager, how do you gain control of your Windows NT enterprise without significantly adding administrative staff?
  • Shark!mail� 4.0 Shark!mail 4 is a full extended MAPI (MAPI-1) email client with advanced rules/filtering capability and full support for MS Exchange/Outlook forms.
  • Crystal Reports for Microsoft Outlook�97 Crystal Reports for Microsoft Outlook�97 is contained in the Microsoft Office�97 Resource Kit and adds report design and viewing capabilities to Outlook�97.
  • Lightning for Outlook Lightning for Outlook is an innovative tool that expands your ability to get information into and out of Outlook quickly and effectively.
  • Outlook Basics The topics covered provide a introduction to Microsoft Outlook.
  • The Microsoft Outlook E-mail and Fax Guide Goes way beyond the basics to put Microsoft Outlook 97 to work managing your messages. Covers the Internet Mail Enhancement Patch, Rules Wizard and special features for Microsoft Exchange Server users.
  • PubJournal for Microsoft Outlook The PubJournal utility begins to addresses the issue of creating Microsoft Outlook journal entries for contacts in a Microsoft Exchange Server public folder.
  • OPTIMUS PRO The only plug-in in existence that allows agents to track clients, prospects, policies, carriers, and stock portfolios within Outlook has finally arrived.
  • FAXserve for Windows NT As a MAPI-compliant application, FAXserve for Windows NT integrates with e-mail clients such as Exchange, Outlook, GroupWise, and cc:Mail.