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Microsoft Sharepoint Web Parts

Bullet Graph Gauge SharePoint Web Part

The Bullet Graph Gauge Web Part allows to chart data contained in the specified Sharepoint List as either a KPI indicator or a Bullet Graph. The bullet graph charts are created using Google's public Chart API.

The Web Part can be used with Windows Sharepoint Services V3, MOSS 2007,Sharepoint 2010, Sharepoint 2013  and Sharepoint 2016. 

The following parameters can be configured:
  • Sharepoint List/View containing the data to be visualized
  • KPI Indicator or Bullet Graph display options
  • Bullet Graph ranges and range colors (eg. bad, satisfactory, good)


Product Price
Bullet Graph Web Part
30 day Evaluation Version

Free download..
Bullet Graph Web Part for Sharepoint 2013
30 day Evaluation Version

Free download..
Bullet Graph Web Part for Sharepoint 2016
30 day Evaluation Version

Free download..
Bullet Graph Web Part
Sandbox Version (on premise only)
30 day Evaluation Version
Free download..
Bullet Graph Web Part License Key
per Server License
USD 75.00
Web Part Installation Instructions download..
Deployment  Instructions for SP 2010 download..
Bullet Graph Web Part

Blue Bullet Graph Web Part

KPI Indicator

KPI Indicator

KPI Indicator

Installation Instructions:

  1. download the Bullet Graph Web Part Installation Instructions (PDF file, see above) 
  2. either install the web part manually or deploy the feature to your server/farm as described in the instructions.
  3. Either adapt an existing Sharepoint List or create a new Sharepoint List to store the data to be gauged.
    Also optionally define a suitable List View for the List if you want to sort or filter the data in a specific way.
    The list should include a
    • column to hold the actual data value(s) to be charted (see Actual Value List Column Name setting below).
      The column should be a numeric type (Number or Currency).
    • an optional column to hold the reference (target) data value(s) to be used (see Reference Value List Column Name setting below).

  4. Configure the following Web Part properties in the Web Part Editor "Miscellaneous" pane section as needed:

    • Site Name: Enter the name of the site that contains the Sharepoint List containing the data to be charted.
      - leave this field empty if the List is in the current site (eg. the Web Part is placed in the same site)
      - Enter a "/" character if the List is contained in the top site
      - Enter a path if the List is in a subsite of the current site (eg. in the form of "current site/subsite")
    • List Name: Enter the desired Sharepoint List containing the data to be charted.
    • View Name: Optionally enter the desired List View of the list specified above. A List View allows you to specify specific data filtering and sorting.
      Leave this field empty if you want to use the List default view.
    • List Item Title (optional): if you leave this field empty, all the items contained in the specified Sharepoint List will be automatically summed up. If you rather prefer to chart an individual List item instead of the sum of all List items, specify the Title (eg. the value of the "Title" field) of the desired list item.
    • Actual Value List Column Name: enter the Sharepoint list column name of the column containing the actual data to be charted. This value is displayed as the featured measure (black bar)
    • Reference Value List Column Name: optionally enter the Sharepoint list column name of the column that contains the comparative reference measure (or target) data to be displayed. If present, this value is displayed as a red vertical bar.
    • Graph Type: choose either the Bullet Graph (horizontal or vertical) or the KPI Indicator display option.
      - BulletGraph
      - BulletGraph vertical
      - KPI
      - Tile
      - Gauge

    • Reverse KPI Indicators: displays the KPI indicators in reverse order (eg. low value=green, high value=red)
    • Range Values: enter the values for the 3 data ranges representing the qualitative ranges (as eg. "bad, satisfactory, good" or "red, yellow, green"). These values should be chosen to fit the actual data value. Separate the 3 values by commas.
    • Range Colors enter the RGB color values for the 3 qualitative ranges, separated by commas.
    • Chart Width: enter the desired width of the Bullet Graph Chart in pixels
    • Bullet Graph Bar Width: enter the desired width of the Bullet Graph bar in pixels (Default=7px)
    • Center Chart: optional center the Bullet Graph horizontally in the available space
    • Actual Value Bar Color: enter the desired RGB color value of the actual data value being gauged (Default:black).
    • Reference Value Color: enter the desired RGB color value of the reference value being gauged (Default:red).
    • Chart Caption: enter an optional chart caption. You can use embedded HTML tags if needed and also embed the actual value and the reference value via the {actual} and {reference} placeholders.

      The actual value is ${actual} compared to our goal of ${reference} for this quarter.

    • Label Format: enter an optional format string to format the axis labels. A detailed description of the available format options can be found in the online Google documentation.

      format the numbers as USD currency values (cUSD ) using decimal group separators (s):

    • Localization: allows to change/localize the following two terms used by the KPI indicator:
    • License Key: enter your Product License Key (as supplied after purchase of the "Bullet Graph Web Part" license key).
      Leave this field empty if you are using the free 30 day evaluation version.

Please enter a comment below if you have problems with the installation, want to give feedback or have suggestions for improvements:

User Comments Post a Comment 

Russell Powell  
5/20/2009 17:08 
Would be great if the webpart could also use the SQL Query viewer as its datasource in addition to a standard sharepoint list. -- Russ
Marc Verner  
5/24/2009 00:08 
Works perfectly - many thanks! Agree with Russ that SQL datasource support would take this web part to the next level.
7/16/2009 18:35 
Like I said in comments about Google Chart webpart, it doesn't work with euro because of the comma before decimals. I hope you can find a solution, these are great webparts. TIA
Lee Causey  
10/5/2009 14:00 
Great webpart!, Is their any way you can change the colour of the reference value bar?
10/5/2009 17:40 
we have added a new "Reference Value Color" option that allows you to specify the color of your reference value bar.
Please re-download the ZIP file, extract and then replace the DLL. Also do an iisreset if you deployed the DLL to the GAC.
10/7/2009 16:18 
I have test the latest zip file but i can not change Reference Value Colors and Reference Value Color
10/7/2009 16:31 
Jonas, do you mean that you don't see the new "Reference Value Color" property in the web part's editor pane ?
10/7/2009 16:46 
I see the field but it no matter what i writes. I only see the stack no background color.
10/7/2009 16:52 
Jonas, can you send a screenshot? This might help to understand your problem
10/8/2009 12:54 
Jonas, your Swedish system locale setting caused the problem. We now have corrected this (the web part now is culture invariant) .
Please re-download the ZIP file, extract and then replace the DLL.
Please also do an iisrest if you deployed the DLL into the GAC.
10/9/2009 18:56 
Alex, the web part now works OK for all system locale settings.
10/14/2009 18:35 
Like on the google chart, this also needs to work on a calculated field.
10/19/2009 18:22 
Tammy, the Bullet Graph web part now also accepts calculated columns. PLease re-download the ZIP file, extract and replace the DLL.
Ste Dyer  
2/2/2010 17:42 
I have followed the instructions, but when I try and add the web part to my page I get the following error: Unable to add selected web part(s). AE Bullet Graph Guage Web Part: A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. The type is not registered as safe. What have I missed?? Thanks Steve
2/2/2010 17:52 

your error message indicates that the SafeControl entry to be added to the Web.config file is either missing or not properly formatted.
You can find the web.config file at:


Please append the entry as described at the end of the SafeControls section. Make sure to add it on a single line. Use Notepad for editing (not WordPad or some other fancy editor).

Chris Jones  
2/11/2010 17:22 
I have not purchased or downloaded the trial yet, but want to know if there is a way to control the gauge values on the bottom? If I make a long gauge can I have as many or few as I want or is it auto generated with 5 increments equally separated (IE: your example shows 0, 20000, 40000, 60000 and 80000)
2/11/2010 17:38 
Chris, the axis labels are auto-generated (dictated by the available space), thus you’ll get more labels if the chart width is made larger
1/7/2011 12:58 
I purchased the Bullet Graph and it presents data extremely well. My issue is I have Bullet Graphs stacked on top of each other, but the spacing between the graphs is not uniform - going up to down. If I attempt to delete space between graphs, I delete the graph and have to start over on that specific graph. Any tricks or steps to have uniform spacing between the graph objects? Thanks
Pete Garcia  
1/26/2011 19:37 
I installed the trial today, however it does not show up in the site collection features in order to activate it. Its SP2010.
8/4/2011 10:53 
Does one need the Enterprise version of MOSS2007 to make this webpart work? In other words, if I don't have the KPI list template under "Custom lists" , will this webpart be its alternative?
8/4/2011 12:22 
Mark, no, MOSS2007 (or SP2010 Server) is not needed.
Eduard Gottschalk  
2/3/2012 14:35 
I am very happy with this web part, buy I am having problem using the view option to read information from my main list, it just doesn’t recognize it. When I type the view name in the optional list view box, I get the following error: Actual Data or Reference Data column error:(my actual value column). When I leave blank the view name, everything else works fine. I would appreciate your help or guidance on this matter.
2/6/2012 10:26 
please make sure to include the “Activaciones Mes” column in your View (ie. make sure this column is displayed when you open the List View).
Russell Wright  
10/8/2012 02:59 
When I have a default view that is a datasheet and specify it as the view name (All Sales), the ${actual} and ${reference) values are not correctly calculated. When I exclude the view name, the values are calculated correctly.
Torbjörn Malmsjö  
1/22/2013 17:16 
Hi Juerg!
I'm currently evaluating the Bullet Graph web part. It works very well but I want to use it only for displaying the KPI indicator color/icon. Is there any way I can supress the standard text part (Goal, Actual)? Thanks!
1/23/2013 14:08 
please add a minus sign (-) in front of the number in the web part's "Chart width (px)" setting to put the web part into trace mode.
Please then report the additional output generated by the web part.
1/23/2013 14:11 
we have now added the option to specify a custom text instead of the “Goal” and “Actual” values:

You now can start the text to be displayed (as entered into the web part’s “Localization” setting) with a leading “=” character, followed by your custom text which might include HTML tags for formatting purposes.
Example: =<b>Status - IT Services</b>

Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then upload the web part solution.
6/12/2013 00:10 
Is it possible to update this webpart to include the same graph types as the SQL Version? (Metro tile, Gauge). Also, would it be possible to change the view to make it look like an actual thermometer?
6/12/2013 19:18 
we will release the V2.0 version of the web part in about 6 weeks. The new version will include the Metro tile and Gauge option (plus other new features).
Bill Dewey  
3/25/2014 19:41 
I am having a problem trying to use this against a list from another site. On my test page I have a List Viewer pointing to a list on another site, this works very nicely as expected. However, when I try to use the same list for the Bullet Graph, I see the message "ListName: SharePoint List not found!". I have copied and pasted the Site and List names from the List Viewer web part to the Bullet Graph web part. We are using V 1.1.5 of the Bullet Graph. Thanks,
3/26/2014 18:57 
please note that the List View web part accepts an http:// URL in the “Site Name” setting since it is able to access lists in other web applications, but the Bullet Graph web part is restricted to the current site collection, so please enter:


(eg. enter the path without the domain part)
4/22/2014 20:11 
In your tutorial you mention the ability to center the chart. I don't see that capability in the settings of the web part. Has this been removed for a reason?
4/23/2014 10:17 
this option was added with version 1.1.15 on June 13, 2013.
Can you quickly check the web part’s version number by opening the web part’s tool pane and looking it up at the top ?
If your version is older, please re-download the Zip file, extract the WSP file and then upload the web part solution.
2/13/2015 16:48 
Attempting to install on SPS2013 Foundation server. Receive error message when running batch file "Access Denied". Logged on to server with administration rights.
2/13/2015 18:14 
please run the CMD prompt window with the „Run as administrator“ option and make sure to be logged in as a Sharepoint farm administrator.
2/26/2015 13:40 
I've got a list with a calculation column with the following formula =COUNT(ID). What I'm trying to do is use the calculation column to count the number of items in my list and then display this in the Bullet Graph Gauge. The problem I'm having is that the web part only returns the first 30 items being displayed in the list eg: there are 800 items in the list but it only shows 30. If I increase the list views "Number of items to display" to over 800 the web part displays the correct value. Is there a way around this without increasing the "Number of items to display"? Please note I have “Display items in batches of the specified size.” selected
2/26/2015 17:04 
as soon as you enter a list view into the web part's "View Name" setting, the item limit as set in the list view is applied.
This restriction does not apply if you leave the "View Name" setting empty (eg. then all list items are counted irrespective of the default list view's item limit setting).
3/2/2015 17:36 
Unfortunately I need to use views, so I can display the number of items in the different filtered views.
Roberta Freese  
10/2/2015 21:40 
We are using version 1.1.15 and when we use the $reference option in the caption it does not handle the edge condition of zero sum. Our caption is
We have collected ${actual} our goal of ${reference} for this year.
and we have not entered any goal data yet. The column values for the goals are all nulls. I am in the process of replacing the nulls with zeros. When the graph renders, the $actual becomes $0.00 but the $reference stays at $reference, so it is
We have collected $0.00 our goal of ${reference} for this year.
on the page.
11/28/2018 09:06 
Is it possible to display each of the KPI boxes as a link. Simply put can we link the boxes as a href to a page?
11/29/2018 17:57 
we have now added the "link" option (to be added to the web part's "Options" setting) to link the KPI box to an URL of your choice.


Please re-download the Zip file, extract the WSP file and then upload the web part solution.
2/5/2024 19:50 
Is it possible for the range values to be dynamic (based on column values)? I have a long list of people, each with a custom annual goal, which vary widely between all of them. So setting a manual range will not meet all needs. Thank you so much!
2/6/2024 13:11 
can you describe how the dynamic range values would be represented within your list ?

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Steven Monczka, Cal Net Technology Group

This web part is available for:
SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2016
SharePoint 2019
SharePoint SE
SharePoint 2019 'modern'
SharePoint SE 'modern'
Office 365