
Nummer 3 September 1998
siehe auch Nummer 1 Juli 1997
Nummer 2 Nov. 1997


ODK Newsletter
Platinum News
Outlook 8.04
Outlook 2000



Outlook98 Deployment Kit Newsletter
Microsoft hat in einer ersten Nummer des Outlook98 Deployment Kit Newsletters viele Details zur Installation von Outlook98 in Netzwerkumgebungen zusammengetragen. Sie finden den Newsletter zum Herunterladen im Winword-Format hier

Exchange Server 6.0: Platinum News
Attendees at the Exchange Conference in Boston got a sneak preview of the features in Exchange Server 6, code-named Platinum. With Platinum, users will be able to check their calendar and send email over the telephone without pushing buttons. Voice-activated functions let mobile users get schedule information, cancel meetings, and send voice mail via email (.wav files deliver the message). In his keynote address, Microsoft vice president Brian Valentine announced new add-ons for Exchange Server 5.5. The new programs will help companies move from Lotus Notes to Exchange Server. Application Analyzer for Lotus Notes looks at the structure of a company's Notes installation and cleans out features that aren't used. The Application Conversion Assistant for Lotus Notes migrates Notes applications, including files, databases, and electronic forms, to Exchange. Application Connector for Lotus Notes lets Notes and Exchange applications work together. Users can access both systems. Microsoft Importer for Lotus Notes Mail migrates existing Lotus Notes mailboxes to Exchange. One interesting twist is that users can keep the Notes interface after migration, so they won't need training to learn to use Outlook. A new import tool for archives lets cc:Mail users who migrate to Exchange preserve important information in the personal folders.

Microsoft Outlook 8.04 verf�gbar
Microsoft Outlook 8.04 ist die aktuellste Version von Outlook 97 und im Microsoft Office 97 Service Release 2 (SR-2) enthalten. Das Office Service Release 2 ist entweder als Patch oder als Product Replacement-CD erh�ltlich. Der Patch kann nur �ber Office SR-1 installiert werden.
Outlook 8.04 beinhaltet alle Updates von Outlook 8.03 sowie unter anderem folgende Features und Fixes:
  • Outlook ist nun Y2K-compliant
  • Das Addressbuch stellt Namen in der Reihenfolge "last name, first name" dar.
  • Neues Feld "Changed By"
  • "Quiet Mode"-Installationsoption f�r Rules Wizard
  • September/Oktober-Appointments zeigen nun die korrekte Zeit f�r alle europ�ischen Zeitzonen
  • Ver�nderte Appointment-Formulare l�sen nicht mehr die Makro-Warnung aus
Detaillierte Liste siehe Microsoft Support Online

Outlook 2000
Outlook 2000 wird als Teil von Office 2000 voraussichtlich anfangs 1999 verf�gbar sein. Informieren Sie sich �ber die vielen zum Teil wichtigen Neuerungen direkt auf der Microsoft Exchange Site.

Aktuelle Microsoft Whitepapers �ber Outlook 2000:

  • Using the Microsoft Outlook 2000 Calendar: To stay on top of personal and group schedules in a demanding business environment, employees require tools for managing and sharing calendars efficiently. The Microsoft Outlook� 2000 messaging and collaboration client provides these tools by helping users maintain their own calendars, schedule meetings, and even maintain other users' calendars. Plus, Outlook has collaborative features such as publishing calendars on the Web, scheduling meetings over the Internet, and scheduling meetings with users of other calendar programs. Read this white paper to learn about calendar features in Outlook, view examples of how users in your organization can benefit from these features, and learn about deploying Outlook.

  • Using Microsoft Outlook 2000 for Contact Management: With e-mail increasingly becoming a standard for business communications, users increasingly require sophisticated, flexible contact management tools that integrate efficiently with e-mail software. In the Microsoft Outlook� 2000 messaging and collaboration client, Microsoft provides many such features. Download this document to discover how to use Outlook for both traditional and e-mail contact management�Outlook doesn't just store contact information, it can also track interactions with contacts. In addition, you can learn about sharing contact information with others.

  • Microsoft Outlook 2000 Product Overview: Computer users today have no shortage of information, but finding a specific piece of information can be difficult�information is housed in a variety of places such as paper calendars, e-mail folders, personal information managers, group schedulers, collaboration applications, custom browsers, and file servers. The Microsoft Outlook� 2000 messaging and collaboration client helps users organize, view, and share this information�all in one place, using a consistent interface. Outlook 2000 is Microsoft's premier e-mail application, and it combines leading support for Internet standards-based e-mail, including Microsoft Exchange Server, with integrated calendar, contact, and task management features. This overview focuses on design goals for Outlook 2000 and introduces new benefits and features that have been added to Outlook since Microsoft Office 97.

Neu: Agenda/X Exchange Corporate Calendar
Bisher fehlte f�r Outlook-Anwender im Netzwerk eine einfache M�glichkeit, die Agenden aller Mitarbeiter in �bersichtlicher Form einzusehen. Agenda/X l�st dieses Problem in Verbindung mit Intranet Information Server und Active Server Pages.
Details auf der Agenda/X-Seite.