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Collection of SharePoint 2019 and SharePoint SE"Modern" Web Parts


Are you looking forward to use SharePoint 2019 and SharePoint SE "modern" sites/pages but notice that there is only a restricted set of out-of-the-box web parts made available by Microsoft ?

Since there are also no announcements made by Microsoft to add more out-of-the-box "modern" web parts similar to Office 365 "Modern" sites, we thus decided and then proceeded to make all our web parts available for SharePoint 2019 "Modern" sites.
This allows our customers to now use our large set of "classic" web parts also on "modern" SharePoint 2019 sites and pages. 
You can find the list of our currently available "modern" web parts here.


To make one of our web parts available for "modern" pages, please first download the SP 2019 version of the web part and then install it in your farm (assuming that it has not yet already been installed before). This makes the web part also available on "classic" pages.
To then also make it available for "modern" pages, please proceed as follows:

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