Company Profile
Microsoft Partner
AMREIN ENGINEERING AG was founded in 1985 and has a staff of 15 highly specialized employees, among others:
- 4 MCSE's (Microsoft Certified System Engineers) - 2 MCSD's (Microsoft Certified Solution Developers) - 2 MCDBA's (Microsoft Certified Database Administrator) - 2 MCP's ((Microsoft Certified Professionals)
Since 1990 our main focus is on Exchange/SharePoint using mainly the Microsoft product palette. We are a Microsoft Certified Partner since 1994 and a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) since 2002. The other main area is Intranets, Extranets und Enterprise Internet Portals. Besides our products we also offer Consulting and Support during all phases of Messaging- and Portal-related projects.
The web parts added functionality that made our intranet the way we wanted it to be. The Amrein team is very responsive to customer requirements and will even make modifications to their web parts very quickly.
Tebo Seema, Botswana Bureau of Standards
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