Microsoft SharePoint Web Parts by Category
Below is the list of all our web parts arranged by category.
You can click the colored icons to get a quick web part preview.
Pictures & Videos

×Banner Rotator 
Banner Rotator
Rotates the image files contained in the specified Sharepoint Picture Library.

×Image Carousel 
Image Carousel
Sequentially displays the images contained in the specified Sharepoint Picture Library.

×Image Menu Carousel 
Image Menu Carousel
Displays the pictures contained in a Sharepoint Picture Library

×Image Rotator 
Image Rotator
Selects a random image file on each page visit from the specified Sharepoint Picture Library.

×Light Box 
Light Box
Displays the content from the specified Sharepoint Picture Library as a thumbnail array.

×Media Player 
Media Player
Either selects a media file or a media playlist from a Sharepoint Picture or Document Library.

Sequentially displays the images contained in the specified Sharepoint Picture Library.

×Swipe Gallery 
Swipe Gallery
The Swipe Gallery Web Part displays a picture gallery for SharePoint with a twist.

Selects a random Youtube video, a specific video or a playlist from the specified Sharepoint List or directly from Youtube

×AZ Index 
AZ Index
Displays an AZ Index for filtering

Adds a compelling design element to your page

×Inspired Tiles 
Inspired Tiles
The Inspired Tiles Web Part is a great way to promote and show any information in a tiled, metro theme.

×List Items 
List Items
Displays the list items using a freely configurable templae

×List Rotator 
List Rotator
Displays and rotates the items of the selected Sharepoint List

×Mega Menu
Mega Menu
Adds a Mega Menu to the SharePoint site collections

×Metro Grid 
Metro Grid
Displays links in Metro Tile Grid format.

×Multilevel Navigation 
Multilevel Navigation
Multilevel Tiles Navigation Menu

Enables you to easily set up a menu with icons based on a Sharepoint List.

Page Header Solution
The Page Header solution allows you to brand your pages by placing a header banner either globally or locally at the top
of your SharePoint pages

×Picture Menu 
Picture Menu
Allows to set up a menu with icons based on a Sharepoint Picture Library or Sharepoint List.

×Quick Links 
Quick Links
Allows to easily set up a menu with icons based on a Sharepoint List

×Sitemap Web part
Sitemap Web part
Displays the Sitemap of the current Site Collection either as a tree control or as tiles.

The "Sitemap Web Part allows to display the sites within the current site collection either as tiles, an organization chart or as a tree view.

×Tabs & Accordion List 
Tabs & Accordion List
Displays the List items grouped by Accordion or Tabs

Create a compelling homepage or navigation without having to set up a multitude of web parts and/or create custom page layouts

×Webpart Tabs
Webpart Tabs
The "Webparts Tabs" web part helps you to save screen space, focus attention and have more content available instantly with a single click.

The Alerts web part lets you centrally manage notifications and alerts targeted to your users.

The Cafeteria Web Part displays the cafeteria menus either in a weekly view or as just today's menu.

×Call To Action 
Call To Action
Allows to publish a call to action button, including some descriptive text.

×Currency Rates 
Currency Rates
The Currency Rate Web Service to display selected currency exchange rates

×Daily Dilbert 
Daily Dilbert
Presents the Daily Dilbert Comic Strip as provided by

×Digital Clock 
Digital Clock
Displays the current date and time for the local user and selected additional time zones.

×News Carousel 
News Carousel
Displays the most recent announcements of a Sharepoint "Annoucements" List

×News Tiles 
News Tiles
Displays the most recent News in a Tile or a Grid layout

×Page Hits 
Page Hits
Allows to set up a menu with icons based on a Sharepoint Picture Library or Sharepoint List.

×Promoted Links 
Promoted Links
This Promoted Links WebPart is used to get the classic promoted linkes WebPart available on modern pages

×Quick Form 
Quick Form
Allows to design a web form to be submitted by the users to the specified e-mail recipient.

×Quick Poll 
Quick Poll
Allows to publish simple user polls/votings, a question and multiple answers can be defined.

×Quick Survey 
Quick Survey
Allows to publish simple user polls/votings, a question and multiple answers can be defined.

×Quote Of The Day 
Quote Of The Day
Randomly selects a quote from the specified Sharepoint List or from the selected RSS feed.

×RSS Feed Ticker 
RSS Feed Ticker
Displays either an external RSS Feed or the content of a local Sharepoint List.

×Stock Quotes 
Stock Quotes
Displays selected stock quote information as a ticker.

Allows to display a countdown timer and/or an 'elapsed time' timer.

×Tip Of The Day 
Tip Of The Day
Picks a random entry from the specified Sharepoint/RSS Feed and displays it as a tip.

×Toast Notifications
Toast Notifications
Centrally manage notifications and alerts targeted to all users or specific user groups

Shows the current weather forecast for the next days

×Weather AD Version 
Weather AD Version
Shows the current personalized weather forecast for the next days

×SQL Bullet Graph 
SQL Bullet Graph
Displays data values from the specified SQL Server database, OLE-DB or ODBC data source.

×SQL Chart 
SQL Chart
Charts data selected from the specified SQL Server database, OLE-DB or ODBC data source.

×SQL Viewer 
SQL Viewer
Allows to query external SQL Server databases and displays the result as a pageable list.
List Rollup

×Blog Rollup 
Blog Rollup
Displays the most recent Blog posts of each Blog within the Sharepoint Site collection.

×Calendar Rollup 
Calendar Rollup
Rolls up the Calendars within the Sharepoint Site collection.

×Discussion Rollup 
Discussion Rollup
Displays the most recent posts of each Discussion List across the Site collection.

×Document Rollup 
Document Rollup
Displays the most recent documents in each Document Library across the Site collection.

×News Rollup 
News Rollup
Displays the most recent announcements across the Site collection.

×Task Rollup 
Task Rollup
Displays the tasks defined in each Task List within the Sharepoint Site collection.
Charts & Maps

×Bullet Graph 
Bullet Graph
Allows to chart data from a Sharepoint List as either a KPI indicator or a Bullet Graph.

Allows to chart data contained in the specified Sharepoint List

×Geo Mapper 
Geo Mapper
Allows to display the geographical locations taken from a Sharepoint List/Document Library.

×Goal Thermometer 
Goal Thermometer
The Goal Thermometer Web Part is perfect for any sort of goal, whether it be sales, donations, fundraising etc.

×Google Chart 
Google Chart
Lets you chart data contained in the specified Sharepoint List.

×Google Map 
Google Map
Enables you to display the geographical location of a given address.

displays KPI indicators based on values contained in Sharepoint Lists

×Map Chart 
Map Chart
Allows to chart data contained in the specified Sharepoint List as a geographical map.

×Org Chart 
Org Chart
Displays the organizational chart based on the SharePoint User Profile Store or a SharePoint list.

×Stock Charts 
Stock Charts
Depicts the specific Stock Charts provided by Reuters Finance.
List Data

The Classifieds Web Part allows users to post classified ads to a Sharepoint List.

Selects a specific value from a text field or dropdown box and passes it to other Web Parts.

×List Search 
List Search
Reads the entries from a Sharepoint List or Library and displays the selected user fields.

×List View 
List View
Allows to display Sharepoint List Views from all Sharepoint Sites in the Site Collection.

Displays the most recent podcast episodes and play them using the embedded player.

×Spotlight On 
Spotlight On
Selects a random entry from the specified List or Library

×Staff Directory 
Staff Directory
Reads the user entries from a Sharepoint List and displays it in a searchable list.

×Color Calendar 
Color Calendar
Displays the color-coded appointments of the selected Sharepoint Calendar.

×Event Manager 
Event Manager
Manages Events based on a Sharepoint calendar list

×Exchange Calendar Enterprise 
Exchange Calendar Enterprise
Displays the appointments of the selected Microsoft Exchange mailbox/public folder.

×Exchange Upcoming Events 
Exchange Upcoming Events
Displays the upcoming appointments of the selected Microsoft Exchange mailbox(es)

Displays the appointments of the selected Sharepoint calendar as a Timeline.

×Upcoming Events 
Upcoming Events
Displays the upcoming appointments of the selected Sharepoint Calendar

×Birthday (List based)
Birthday (List based)
Selects the forthcoming birthdays, anniversaries or new hires from a Sharepoint List

×Birthday (UPS)
Birthday (UPS)
Selects the forthcoming birthdays, anniversaries or new hires from the User Profile Store.

×Facebook Timeline 
Facebook Timeline
Displays the selected Facebook Timeline

×Staff Directory (UPS)
Staff Directory (UPS)
Reads the user entries from the User Profile Store and displays it in a list.

×Team Members (UPS)
Team Members (UPS)
Displays the selected users (UPS).

×Twitter Enterprise 
Twitter Enterprise
Allows to display the Tweets of the specified Twitter search or Twitter user.

×Twitter Widget 
Twitter Widget
Allows to display the Tweets of the specified Twitter search or Twitter user

×User Spotlight 
User Spotlight
Selects a user from the Sharepoint User Profile Store and displays the selected user fields.

Welcomes users to your portal by displaying a configurable personal message