| Alerts Web Part | The Alerts web part lets you centrally manage notifications and alerts targeted to your users. | Download.. |
 | Banner Rotator Web Part | Rotates the image files contained in the specified Sharepoint Picture Library. | Download.. |
 | Birthday Web Part (List based) | Selects the forthcoming birthdays, anniversaries or new hires from a Sharepoint List | Download.. |
 | Birthday Web Part (UPS) | Selects the forthcoming birthdays, anniversaries or new hires from the User Profile Store. | Download.. |
 | Blog Rollup Web Part | Displays the most recent Blog posts of each Blog within the Sharepoint Site collection. | Download.. |
 | Cafeteria Web Part | The Cafeteria Web Part displays the cafeteria menus either in a weekly view or as just today's menu. | Download.. |
 | Calendar Rollup Web Part | Rolls up the Calendars within the Sharepoint Site collection. | Download.. |
 | Call To Action Web Part | Allows to publish a call to action button, including some descriptive text. | Download.. |
 | Chart Web Part | Allows to chart data contained in the specified Sharepoint List | Download.. |
 | Christmas Web Part | Displays a Christmas card | Download.. |
 | Classifieds Web Part | The Classifieds Web Part allows users to post classified ads to a Sharepoint List. | Download.. |
 | Color Calendar Web Part | Displays the color-coded appointments of the selected Sharepoint Calendar. | Download.. |
 | Daily Dilbert Web Part | Presents the Daily Dilbert Comic Strip as provided by www.dilbert.com. | Download.. |
 | Digital Clock Web Part | Displays the current date and time for the local user and selected additional time zones. | Download.. |
 | Discussion Rollup Web Part | Displays the most recent posts of each Discussion List across the Site collection. | Download.. |
 | Document Rollup Web Part | Displays the most recent documents in each Document Library across the Site collection. | Download.. |
 | Event Manager Web Part | Manages Events based on a Sharepoint calendar list | Download.. |
 | Exchange Calendar List Web Part | Displays the appointments of the selected Microsoft Exchange mailbox/public folder. | Download.. |
 | Exchange Upcoming Events Web Part | Displays the upcoming appointments of the selected Microsoft Exchange mailbox(es) | Download.. |
 | Facebook Timeline Web Part | Displays the selected Facebook Timeline | Download.. |
 | Geo Mapper Web Part | Allows to display the geographical locations taken from a Sharepoint List/Document Library. | Download.. |
 | Google Map Web Part | Enables you to display the geographical location of a given address. | Download.. |
 | Hero Web Part | Adds a compelling design element to your page | Download.. |
 | Image Rotator Web Part | Selects a random image file on each page visit from the specified Sharepoint Picture Library. | Download.. |
 | KPI Web Part | displays KPI indicators based on values contained in Sharepoint Lists | Download.. |
 | Light Box Web Part | Displays the content from the specified Sharepoint Picture Library as a thumbnail array. | Download.. |
 | List Items Web Part | Displays the list items using a freely configurable templae | Download.. |
 | List Rotator Web Part | Displays and rotates the items of the selected Sharepoint List | Download.. |
 | List Search Web Part | Reads the entries from a Sharepoint List or Library and displays the selected user fields. | Download.. |
 | Media Player Web Part | Either selects a media file or a media playlist from a Sharepoint Picture or Document Library. | Download.. |
 | Navigator Web Part | Enables you to easily set up a menu with icons based on a Sharepoint List. | Download.. |
 | News Rollup Web Part | Displays the most recent announcements across the Site collection. | Download.. |
 | Page Hits Web Part | Allows to set up a menu with icons based on a Sharepoint Picture Library or Sharepoint List. | Download.. |
 | Quick Form Web Part | Allows to design a web form to be submitted by the users to the specified e-mail recipient. | Download.. |
 | Quick Links Web Part | Allows to easily set up a menu with icons based on a Sharepoint List | Download.. |
 | Quick Poll Web Part | Allows to publish simple user polls/votings, a question and multiple answers can be defined. | Download.. |
 | Quick Survey Web Part | Allows to publish simple user polls/votings, a question and multiple answers can be defined. | Download.. |
 | Quote Of The Day Web Part | Randomly selects a quote from the specified Sharepoint List or from the selected RSS feed. | Download.. |
 | RSS Feed Ticker Web Part | Displays either an external RSS Feed or the content of a local Sharepoint List. | Download.. |
 | Sitemap Web part | Displays the Sitemap of the current Site Collection either as a tree control or as tiles. | Download.. |
 | Sitemap Web Part | The "Sitemap Web Part allows to display the sites within the current site collection either as tiles, an organization chart or as a tree view. | Download.. |
 | Slideshow Web Part | Sequentially displays the images contained in the specified Sharepoint Picture Library. | Download.. |
 | Spotlight On Web Part | Selects a random entry from the specified List or Library | Download.. |
 | SQL Bullet Graph Web Part | Displays data values from the specified SQL Server database, OLE-DB or ODBC data source. | Download.. |
 | SQL Chart Web Part | Charts data selected from the specified SQL Server database, OLE-DB or ODBC data source. | Download.. |
 | SQL Viewer Web Part | Allows to query external SQL Server databases and displays the result as a pageable list. | Download.. |
 | Staff Directory Web Part | Reads the user entries from a Sharepoint List and displays it in a searchable list. | Download.. |
 | Stock Quotes Web Part | Displays selected stock quote information as a ticker. | Download.. |
 | Tabs & Accordion List Web Part | Displays the List items grouped by Accordion or Tabs | Download.. |
 | Task Rollup Web Part | Displays the tasks defined in each Task List within the Sharepoint Site collection. | Download.. |
 | Team Members Web Part | Displays the selected users from a Sharepoint or ctive Directory group | Download.. |
 | Tiles Web Part | Create a compelling homepage or navigation without having to set up a multitude of web parts and/or create custom page layouts | Download.. |
 | Timeline Web Part | Displays the appointments of the selected Sharepoint calendar as a Timeline. | Download.. |
 | Timer Web Part | Allows to display a countdown timer and/or an 'elapsed time' timer. | Download.. |
 | Tip Of The Day Web Part | Picks a random entry from the specified Sharepoint/RSS Feed and displays it as a tip. | Download.. |
 | Toast Notifications | Centrally manage notifications and alerts targeted to all users or specific user groups | Download.. |
 | Twitter Widget Web Part | Allows to display the Tweets of the specified Twitter search or Twitter user | Download.. |
 | Upcoming Events Web Part | Displays the upcoming appointments of the selected Sharepoint Calendar | Download.. |
 | User Spotlight Web Part | Selects a user from the Sharepoint User Profile Store and displays the selected user fields. | Download.. |
 | Weather Web Part | Shows the current weather forecast for the next days | Download.. |
 | Welcome Web Part | Welcomes users to your portal by displaying a configurable personal message | Download.. |