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Hyperlinks to Outlook data
How to add hyperlinks to Outlook folders
Message class changer
Change the message class for all items in a Microsoft Outlook folder
Using Microsoft Excel To Do a Bulk Mailing in Microsoft Outlook
This paper shows you how you can use Microsoft® Excel and Microsoft Outlook™ to automate a bulk personal mailing

Outlook Set Folder Language
With the Outlook Set Folder Language utility (OLFoLang) you can rename default Outlook calendars to another language.
New: V1.1 has language support for German, French, English, and Swedish!
ActiveCalendar Control
Want to use an calendar control similar to the one built into Outlook on your forms ?

Importer Field Mapping-Patch für Outlook 98
Datenfelder, die aus einer Arbeitsmappe oder einer Datenbankdatei importiert werden, lassen sich unproblematisch den entsprechenden Feldern in Outlook zuordnen.


More resources on the web:

MicroEye: Programming Outlook and CDO
Slipstick Exchange Center
CDO Live