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Mega Menu Webpart  

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Microsoft Sharepoint Web Parts

Mega Menu SharePoint Web Part

The Mega Menu allows to easily set up a mega menu via a "hamburger" icon in the top SharePoint bar.
The menu is dynamically added to each page in the site collection, thus editing of the SharePoint master page(s) is not required.
The Mega Menu can be used with SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint 2019 and Subscription Edition (both classic and modern pages).

The Mega Menu lets you:
  • use a Sharepoint Links List or a Custom list to define the menu items
  • optionally display a site map or a custom HTML based mega menu
  • apply CSS styles to customize the look and feel
  • apply Security trimming by Sharepoint groups or AD groups

Office 365 version »

Product Price     
Mega Menu for SP 2013
30 Day Evaluation Version 
Free download..
Mega Menu for SP 2016
30 Day Evaluation Version 
Free download..
Mega Menu for SP 2019 and SE
30 Day Evaluation Version 
Free download..
Mega Menu License Key
per Server License 
USD 325.00
Installation Instructions download..
Installation Instructions for SP 2019 and SE "modern" download..


Installation Instructions:

  1. download the Mega Menu Web Part Installation Instructions (PDF file, see above) 
  2. deploy the feature to your server/farm as described in the instructions.
  3. Create a SharePoint list containing the mega menu links as described below.
  4. configure the following Megamenu settings via "Site Settings/Amrein Engineering/Mega Menu":
    • Megamenu List URL: enter the URL of the SharePoint list containing the Megamenu links.
      Leave this field empty to default to the"AEMegamenu" list in the top site of the site collection.
      The list should either be based on the "Links" or the "Custom List" list template. 
      • To create the links, add a column named "URL" (of type "Hyperlink or Picure") if you chose the "Custom" list template.
      • To create vertical menu sections, add a column named "Section" (typically of type "Choice") to the list.
      • To security trim the links, add a column named "Group" (of type "Person or Group")
      • To define individual link targets (which default to "same Tab", add a column named "Target" (of type "Choice") using the below 3 choices:
        - same Tab
        - new Tab
        - Dialog
    • Menu Template: optionally enter the desired menu item template by entering the columns to be displayed, enclosed in curly braces.
      The default setting is "{URL}.
      To prefix the links with bullets, please enter:
      • {URL}
    • Background Color: define the menu background color (use either an #RRGGBB value or an HTML color name)
    • Section CSS: enter the CSS style of the section titles as eg. color:#ff3
    • Text CSS: enter the CSS style of the menu links as eg. color:white
    • Website Title: optionally override the web site title displayed in the top bar.
    • Hide Waffle: hide the waffle menu in the upper left coorner of the page
    • License Key: enter your Product License Key (as supplied after purchase of the Mega MenuWeb Part license).
      Leave this field empty if you are using the evaluation version.

Please enter a comment below if you have problems with the installation, want to give feedback or have suggestions for improvements:

User Comments Post a Comment 

Rudolf Vehring  
9/1/2021 10:50 
I tried to install with this code:
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

STSADM -o addsolution -filename C:\DOCM\AEMegamenuWebpart2013\AEMegamenuWebpart.wsp

STSADM : Fehler: Diese in der Manifestdatei angegebene Datei wurde nicht gefunden:
In C:\DOCM\Sharepoint\AEMegamenuWebpart.ps1:4 Zeichen:1
+ STSADM -o addsolution -filename C:\DOCM\AEMegamenuWebpart2013\AEMegamenuWebpart. ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Fehler: Diese i...rt\jscript.txt':String) [], RemoteExceptio
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

==> means the file : "script.txt'" was not found.

Can you help me with that?

Best regards,
9/1/2021 11:12 
we fixed an issue with the WSP file for SP 2013 so please re-download the web part and then extract the updated WSP file.
Rudolf Vehring  
9/2/2021 20:27 
Hi Juerg,

The installation runs perfect now.

Would you be so kind to send me a simple ab meaningful configuration example or web part documentation for a quick start to test the Mega Menu SharePoint

Many thanks.

Best regards
Rudolf Vehring  
9/9/2021 10:46 

I have noticed a different behavior when calling an application with http:// or https://.
1) Calling the application with "http://" => Mega Menu is displayed.
2) Calling the application with "https://" => No display of the Mega Menu

Can you confirm this?

Rudolf Vehring  
9/9/2021 14:16 
Hi ..
Fixed, it was a Browser cache issue.
9/13/2021 08:24 

How can I get the Layout like the second or the last picture?

Rick Cichewicz  
10/8/2021 01:23 
Just installed new Amrein MegaMenu Webpart I like the "Hamberger" Menu and made a list to refer to for menu contents. 1st time using MegaMenu webpart. Any sample pics of a working list-menu to see what I have missed in setup? Thanks
10/8/2021 11:26 
the below example is based on a list based on the „Custom“ list template which is sorted first by “Section” and then by “Sort Order”:

The below example is based on a „Links“ list (sorted by “Sort Order”):

Angel Nieves  
12/7/2021 17:56 
Do you have SAMPLE CSS flies? I want to replicate the menu in your first picture.
Colored squares"
12/9/2021 15:52 
the first picture on our web site depicts embedding our „Sitemap” web part within the mega menu.
However, we have now added the new option to also display links contained in a Sharepoint Links list as colored squares.

Please re-download the most recent version of the “Mega Menu” and then update the web part solution.

You then should add a new column to your Sharepoint Links list named “Color” where you can enter either HTML color names or #RRGGBB values.

You then also might want to add a new column to your Sharepoint Links list named “Icon” where you can enter Microsoft icons as found here: )


You finally need to configure the mega menu (via “Site Settings/Amrein Engineering/Mega Menu settings”) by entering


into the “Options” setting to enable the “Tiles” view.
1/15/2022 09:23 
Hello Juerg
How can we use this web part in modern pages?
I use a cusom sharepoint list
I added it to a page but it does not show anything!
thanks a lot
1/15/2022 09:34 
I created a list named "AEMegamenu" and have the following error:

Something went wrong
If the problem persists, contact the site administrator and give them the information in Technical Details.
***Failed to load component "de50b3dc-430c-4f75-95db-74b1b8514cae" (AeWebpartWebPart).
Original error: ***Failed to load entry point from component "de50b3dc-430c-4f75-95db-74b1b8514cae" (AeWebpartWebPart).
Original error: Error loading https://component-id.invalid/de50b3dc-430c-4f75-95db-74b1b8514cae_0.0.1
Unable to load script http://portal/apps/ClientSideAssets/cdfd3a4c-ced5-4e4f-a6fe-e9a1ca5fbdf5/ae-webpart-web-part_19034f2b5f8ae310dd59a6a661441247.js

***Failed to load entry point from component "de50b3dc-430c-4f75-95db-74b1b8514cae" (AeWebpartWebPart).
Original error: Error loading https://component-id.invalid/de50b3dc-430c-4f75-95db-74b1b8514cae_0.0.1
Unable to load script http://portal/apps/ClientSideAssets/cdfd3a4c-ced5-4e4f-a6fe-e9a1ca5fbdf5/ae-webpart-web-part_19034f2b5f8ae310dd59a6a661441247.js
at t [as constructor] (http://portal/_layouts/15/next/spclient/fa-ir/sp-pages-assembly.js?uniqueId=QXu2g:356:15766)
at new t (http://portal/_layouts/15/next/spclient/fa-ir/sp-pages-assembly.js?uniqueId=QXu2g:807:22174)
at Function.e.buildErrorWithVerboseLog (http://portal/_layouts/15/next/spclient/fa-ir/sp-pages-assembly.js?uniqueId=QXu2g:807:14408)
at Function.e.buildLoadComponentError (http://portal/_layouts/15/next/spclient/fa-ir/sp-pages-assembly.js?uniqueId=QXu2g:807:10829)
at http://portal/_layouts/15/next/spclient/fa-ir/sp-pages-assembly.js?uniqueId=QXu2g:807:62084
1/15/2022 14:40 
Hello Juerg
I entered the Ful URL of my list into the "Megamenu List URL" and the above problem solved.
But the fields ICON and COLOR in the list don't affect on the menu.

Whould you please write a complete document for configuring this nice web part?
for example I want to build a menu like yor last picture, but I can't!
1/16/2022 16:42 
to display the menu items as tiles (which then also respect the "Icon" and "Color" list columns) please enter the below into the "Options" field of the "Mega Menu Configuration" page:


This then creates a mega menu as show in the first slide at the top of this page.
2/1/2022 17:05 

Is it possible to put this webpart anywhere on a page by editting the page in SharePoint Online?

The reason I'm asking this is that we load a SharePoint page in Teams by a static tab. Teams filters the SharePoint header so that the spSiteHeader is not shown, meaning the menu is not visible in Teams.

If the menu can be added to a page as a widget, the menu will hopefully be visible.


2/1/2022 20:07 

Mega Menu is working very well on classic pages. However, on Modern pages isn't showing anything. Can you advice me please, how to deploy this web part to Modern sites/pages?

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards,
2/3/2022 18:48 
I forwarded your request to Raphael who takes care of SharePoint Online supprt and he should get back to you ASAP.
2/3/2022 18:57 
to enable the mega menu on “modern” pages, please extract the ae-megamenu.sppkg file from the downloaded zip file, upload it to your Sharepoint App Catalog and then also add the App to your “Site contents” (on each site where you want to display the mega menu).

Thus the mega menu only appears on those “modern” sites where the “AE Megamenu” App has been added to the Site contents of each site where you want the mega menu to be displayed..
3/24/2022 12:07 

please perform the below steps:

1. Install the farm version of the web part
2. Activate the feature in your site collection
3. Configure the Megamenu via “Site Settings/Amrein Engineering/Mega Menu settings
4. Verify that the Megamenu works OK on classic pages
5. Upload the “ae-megamenu.sppkg” file into your App Catalog
6. Add the “AE Megamenu” App to your “Site contents” on each site that should display the Megamenu.

see also the "Installation Instructions for SP 2019 "modern" PDF file at the top of this page.
Michael Suhr  
2/1/2024 10:57 
I installed this addin to our Sharepoint 2016 and the menu (picture 2) works fine.
But we want to use the tile menu (picture 3). Unfortunately, this doesn't work like expected. I have set the option tiles=1 and add the columns color and icon in the menu list. But the menu does not come up. Inaktive URL links appear on the right side with your license message.
What could be the error?

Regards, Michael
2/2/2024 15:53 
would it be possible to schedule a screen sharing session to investigate the issue ?
3/3/2024 14:08 

1. Is there a way to make MegaMenu appears right to left? and Behave right to

2. Sometimes when I git Refresh the menu disappear. after some more refresh it appears again? any idea?

6/6/2024 19:18 
Need some help with getting sub menu items like in the second picture, how is that done?
Also how is the menu in the 5th picture created, the orange and green?
6/20/2024 11:19 
these are menus that are 3 levels deep and the underlying SharePoint list looks like as shown below:

  RSS Feed   
Very happy with the level of service and level of professionalism of Juerg Amrein and his team.

Shailesh Surroop, Mauritius Union Group

This web part is available for:
SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2016
SharePoint 2019
SharePoint SE
SharePoint 2019 'modern'
SharePoint SE 'modern'
Office 365