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Microsoft Sharepoint Web Parts

SharePoint Audio & Video Podcast Web Part

The Audio & Video Podcast Web Part allows you to get the most recent podcast episodes from a podcast feed and play the episodes using the embedded MP3 player or the embedded Media player. You can also subscribe to the podcast via you local iTunes application. The web part also supports moblile devices.

The Web Part can be used with Windows Sharepoint Services V3, MOSS 2007, Sharepoint 2010, Sharepoint 2013, Sharepoint 2016  and Sharepoint 2019.

The following parameters can be configured:
  • Podcast URL (either an external Feed or a Sharepoint Library)
  • Number of episodes to be shown
  • iTunes podcast ID

Product Price
Audio & Video Podcast Web Part
30 Day Evaluation Version
Free download..
Audio & Video Podcast Web Part for SP 2013
30 Day Evaluation Version
Free download..
Audio & Video Podcast Web Part for SP 2016
30 Day Evaluation Version
Free download..
Audio & Video Podcast Web Part for SP 2019 and SE
30 Day Evaluation Version
Free download..
Audio & Video Podcast License Key
per Server License
USD 90.00
Web Part Installation Instructions download..
Deployment Instructions download..
You can also send us a PO via e-mail to [email protected] 

Installation Instructions:

  1. download the Audio & Video Podcast Web Part Installation Instructions (PDF file, see above) 
  2. either install the web part manually or deploy the feature to your server/farm as described in the instructions.

  3. Configure the following Web Part properties in the Web Part Editor "Miscellaneous" pane section as needed:

    • Podcast URL:

      External Feed:
      Enter the name of the podcast XML file


      Internal Feed:
      Enter the Sharepoint Library path name of the local Sharepoint Library to be used as a feed. 
      Enter the full Library path as follows: "current site/subsite/Library Name".
      Do not preceed the entered value with  the server host name!
      Example: SomeSite/SomeSubsite/Audio Files

      The feed items will automatically be sorted by ID in descending order to ensure that new items appear at the top of the feed.

      You can additionally specify a Library View by appending the View name to the Library path, preceded by a colon.
      Example: SomeSite/SomeSubsite/Audio Files:Some Custom View

      The feed items will in this case be sorted as specified in the View configuration.

      For example, you can create a View to sort the library items descending by the "Created" list column.
      This would ensure that the feed only shows the newest items added to the Library.

      The selected Sharepoint List should explicitly contain a "Title" and a "Description" column.

    • Nbr. of episodes: Enter the desired number of most recent episodes to be displayed.

    • iTunes Podcast ID:  Enter the correpsonding iTunes podcast ID number if you want to enable the iTunes Subscription button at the bottom of the web part. If the user clicks on the button, the local iTunes application is automatically started and the corresponding podcast is presented. The user then only needs to click the "Subscribe" button.

      You can look up the ID by selecting the podcast show in the iTunes application. Right-click on the podcast logo to copy the podcast ID to the clipboard:

      The trailing number (321200096) is the podcast ID for the selected podcast.

    • Player Width: enter the desired width of the Media Player in pixels (Video podcasts only)
    • Player Height: enter the desired height of the Media Player in pixels (Video podcasts only)
    • Use simple player: optional choose a very small MP3 player (200 pixels wide) to save horizontal screen estate:

    • Use Silverlight Player: force usage of the embedded Silverlight player.
    • Field Template: If you need to override the default layout (Title/Created Date/Description) and want specify your own custom layout, enter the Library fields (surrounded by curly braces).
      You can embed HTML tags and CSS styles to freely format the text:
      <HR> {Title}
    • Header: enter an optional header text. Please note that you can embed HTML tags for formatting purposes. The following placehpders can be embedded:
      - {image}
      - {title}
      - {description}

      <td><IMG src="{image}"></td>
      <td valign=top><b>{title}</b><br>{description}</td>

    • License Key: enter your Product License Key (as supplied after purchase of the Podcast Web Part license).
      Leave this field empty if you are using the evaluation version.

   Reuters Video Podcast


Please enter a comment below if you have problems with the installation, want to give feedback or have suggestions for improvements:

User Comments Post a Comment 

10/13/2009 10:01 
Hello, Am I limited to 30 days evaluation if I choose the free dowload? If I buy the licence key, can I hide the copyright message at the bottom of the webpart ?
10/13/2009 10:06 
Seb, the free download is limited to 30 days (full functionality). The copyright message is only displayed if no license key is given.
10/13/2009 10:21 
Ok, thank you for the information. Another question, is this webpart compatible with a french site template ? because i have some problems to display video. I have the same message like the AudioPlayer Webpart : "Sharepoint List not found"... Any ideas ?
10/13/2009 10:25 
Seb, to which web part are you actually referring to ? The Podcast web part does not access any Sharepoint List.
10/13/2009 10:58 
I don't speak about podcast webpart, but both AudioPlayer and MediaPlayer webpart.
Dave Williams  
2/5/2010 10:52 
I have been testing the video functionality in the Podcast web part using different browsers. Seems to work ok in IE and Safari but in Firefox the 'Play Video' links do not work; although the video player will if you click the 'play' button. Can this be sorted? Thanks.
2/8/2010 17:55 
Dave, we now have fixed the problem with the „Play” button (QuickTime player). Please download the updated Zip file and replace the DLL with the new version (followed by an “iisreset” if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly)
3/5/2010 23:35 
Great web part. only problem is we want to make the web part more narrow than the player. when we click play, we can't get to the stop or pause button so we ahve refresh the page. Can we shrink the player so it doesn't go out so far to the right or don't have it at all, like maybe a simple, play, stop button.
3/9/2010 17:26 
we have now added a new „Use simple Player” option to the Podcast Web Part which uses an MP3 player with an optimal size of 200 pixels.
If this is still too wide, you can shrink the player by setting the “Player Width” option to a smaller value.
Installation of new version: Please replace the DLL (see attached Zip file) in the c:\windows\assembly folder, followed by an “iisreset” command.
3/15/2010 21:59 
The webpart works great but it leaves a white box in the page. Is there a way change the background?
3/16/2010 12:56 
Terri, what exactly do you mean by "leaves a white box" ? Can you send us a screen shot to [email protected] ?
Bob H.  
6/14/2010 19:46 
Juerg, Can this webpart work with a sharepoint list that is referencing externally hosted video files? I know the media player allows a URL column... but when I tried that with this web part the video would not play.
6/15/2010 12:43 
the Podcast web part currently does not support external files via an “URL” column (as the Media Player web part does). We could actually add this feature if needed.
Peter Riad  
10/4/2010 15:46 
I am trying to use the podcast web part with a sharepoint rss that includes the encloure tag. it is working ok for videos (the play video link appear), but for mp3s , the player appear as "X" for both simple and regular format. I am Using SharePoint there any thing i need to add?
10/4/2010 17:32 
we recommend to use the „internal Feed” format (as opposed to entering the Sharepoint Library RSS Feed URL) as follows:

RSS Feed URL” web part setting:
Enter the Sharepoint Library path name of the Sharepoint Library to be used as a feed.
Enter the full Library path as follows: "current site/subsite/Library Name". (do not preceed the entered value with the server host name).

Example: SomeSubsite/Audio Library
1/26/2011 17:09 
I have the web part working except the link for the TITLE field on my document library tries to open the item (xxx/dispform.aspx?ID=5). However this gives me a '404 file not found' error. Can I turn this 'link' off? If not, can it be corrected? THanks!
1/26/2011 17:22 
can you quickly compare the podcast title's URL with the correct Sharepoint Library detail page's URL to see the difference ?
To turn off the link, use the web part's "Template" field to create your own layout.
1/26/2011 17:32 
that will work, thanks!
2/10/2011 22:44 
When I test this on our external website, when 'play' is clicked, a login authentication window appears (as to log into the site). When I click cancel in this window, the video plays. I do not receive the login prompt when clicking the file link from the document library list. Anonymous authentication is enabled, etc. Can this be corrected? Thanks.
2/10/2011 22:58 
Nevermind...I added the 'safe' information and it appears to be working now.
4/1/2011 02:59 
Trying to use a SharePoint list with the Podcast webpart, but getting 'Sharepoint List not found:' message.
Web part is on this page: /info/mgmt_meetings/Pages/default.aspx.
The Document Library containing the podcasts is here /info/mgmt_meetings/Staff%20briefing%20Podcasts/.
What do I need to put in the Podcast URL box in Web Part config? Thanks
4/1/2011 18:11 
Chris, please enter: info/mgmt_meetings/Staff briefing Podcasts
6/22/2011 23:39 
We are using this (it's awesome by the way) But only the first video podcast seems to play. when you click play video nothing seems to happen. Any thoughts?
9/28/2011 18:26 
Hi, I just had a question on recording how many hits a file might get. Does this Podcast use cache. I've uploaded an mp3 but needed to create a url document link in sharepoint to put into the podcast list - (not sure i needed to) but now the podcast document link, reports less hits than the actual mp3 file itself. thoughts?
9/28/2011 18:59 
Christine, yes, the MP3 files are typically cached by the browser and do not generate any server hits when being played back via the Podcast web part.
10/11/2011 23:34 
I have the eval running on my intranet sharepoint home page (https). When users hit the site, they see a message from the browser. Something like "Are you sure you want to mix secure and insecure content?" If they choose No, the ipod player controls appear like a bad url image, e.g. like an "X" Did I configure something wrong?
5/23/2012 23:54 
Can I use with Sharepoint 2010 Foundation? sorry got to ask but really interested.
5/24/2012 12:47 
the Podcast Web Part works both with SP 2007 and SP 2010.
2/26/2013 06:07 
Same kind of webpart using SilverPlayer in
4/16/2013 14:22 
Webpart loaded and I added the iTunes URL for need podcast and get the following msg:
Unable to load Podcast feed: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
4/16/2013 14:37 
can you indicate the URL you entered into the web part's "Podcast URL" setting ?
7/17/2013 13:47 
Hi worked great when we were on SharePoint 2007 now it doesn't seem to work in 2010 - has this been updated for 2010?
7/17/2013 13:49 
the web part is compatible with Sharepoint 2007, 2010 and 2013.
What exactly does not work ? Do you get any error message ?
8/22/2013 12:23 
what video formats can we use? and will this webpart allow to run the video on Mac platform including mobile devices?
8/22/2013 14:25 
the web part supports MOV, MP4, M4V, AVI, WMV and FLV videos. We will be going to add HTML5 support for Ihone and IPad in the web part's next version.
8/23/2013 10:06 
If I use WMV or FLV , will the same video display in MAC as well?
8/23/2013 13:02 
you will need to use MP4 in this case since Safari does not support FLV (Flash) and WMV (Microsoft).
8/29/2013 21:43 
I have 2 questions or issues:
1) my .wav file shows with "play video" but there is not video, but the audio plays correctly. My .mp3 file shows with the regular audo player bar but doesn't stop buffering and never plays.
2) Can I include the rating stars? I have the column in my library and tried to use it in the template, but nothing appears.
9/4/2013 18:12 
we have now updated the „Podcast” web part to allow it to also play “WAV” files. Please note that this requires the user to have installed the Apple QuickTime plug-in (which is able to play WAV files).
If this restriction does not cause a problem, then you might consider to update the web part.
The web part currently has "read-only" support for rating stars if you use the "Field Template" setting and include the "Rating (0-5)" list column.
9/11/2013 23:34 
Thank you Jeurg!

I discovered that the problem with the .mp3 file was on my end. I tried a different file and it worked perfectly. So no need to use the .wav file format at this point, but it's nice to know those now work. I decided to use the Audio Player web part and it's perfect.
12/19/2013 10:38 
Hi, I am getting the podcast feed with no problems (form iTunes and RSS sources), but the players are not shown. Instead I get a white box with a red cross. Can you sugegst how I may fix this please? Many thanks.
12/19/2013 10:43 
Actually, just checked Chrome and the players are there. IE seems to be my problem.
12/19/2013 11:28 
the web part uses one of the following players depending on the media type:

- QuickTime Player (MOV, MP4)
- Flash (MP3, FLV)
- Windows Media Player (WAV, WMA)
- Silverlight Player (if set via the web part’s properties)

Could it be that your feed for example delivers MP4, but your Internet Explorer does not have the QuickTime plug-in installed ?
12/19/2013 11:33 
Thanks for the reply Juerg.
They are streams from a converted iTunes subscription - but the players are still not showing - but only in IE 9! Seems okay in Chrome.
I have tried with mp3 in a document library, with teh same problem occuring.
It might be the school I'm in has a problem with flash??
6/11/2014 23:15 
We have followed all the steps and are receiving "SharePoint List not found." We have troubleshooted have the page and library under same site. What kind of Library should we be using?
6/12/2014 17:29 
can you temporarily enter


into the web part’s „Header“ setting and then send us the additional output generated by the web part to [email protected] for analysis ?
4/1/2016 13:39 
your Sharepoint web frontend server is currently not allowed to reach out to the internet.

Can you thus change the „trust level” line in your Sharepoint application0s web.config file from

<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl="" />


<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl=".*" />

eg. insert the “.*” characters into the originUrl attribute
This should allow Web Service calls to any destination.
1/5/2017 23:00 
I just installed and we are trying it on mobile devices using safari. Iphone7Plus I do not see the play button. Does this work on all mobile devices?
1/6/2017 10:56 
we have now added support for mobile devices (as iPhone, iPad, IPod and Android).
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
6/15/2017 15:49 
It would be great to have a ratings feature at the end of the podcast.
6/16/2017 11:17 

please embed the „[rating]“ placeholder into the web part’s “Field Template” setting as illustrated in the below example:


  RSS Feed   
This is one of the best development studios I have ever had the pleasure to work with. AE has been a top referral of my company ever since we started working with SharePoint. Our clients are always happy with them. Their support is one of the best I had.

Steven Monczka, Cal Net Technology Group

This web part is available for:
SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2016
SharePoint 2019
SharePoint SE
SharePoint 2019 'modern'
SharePoint SE 'modern'
Office 365