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Microsoft Sharepoint Web Parts

SharePoint Discussion Rollup Web Part

The Discussion Rollup Web Part displays the most recent discussion messages of each Discussion List within the Sharepoint Site collection and thus gives much better visibility to new discussion posts created anywhere within the current site collection.

The Web Part can be used with Windows Sharepoint Services V3, MOSS 2007, Sharepoint 2010, Sharepoint 2013  (both Server and Foundation), Sharepoint 2016, Sharepoint 2019, SharePoint Subscription Edition and Office 365.

Office 365 version »  SharePoint 2019/SE 'Modern' version »

The following parameters can be configured:
  • Number of posts to be displayed
  • Custom CSS styles
  • Discussion Lists to be included
  • Show/hide author's picture
  • Use a threaded or linear layout
  • Use the web part as a Q&A
  • Point the web part to a specific Discussion list

Product Price     
Discussion Rollup Web Part
30 Day Evaluation Version  
Free download..
Discussion Rollup Web Part for Sharepoint 2013
30 Day Evaluation Version  
Free download..
Discussion Rollup Web Part for Sharepoint 2016
30 Day Evaluation Version  
Free download..
Discussion Rollup Web Part for Sharepoint 2019 and SE
30 Day Evaluation Version  
Free download..
Discussion Rollup Web Part
Sandbox Version (on premise only)
30 day Evaluation Version  
Free download..
Discussion Rollup Web Part License Key
per Server License
Includes 1 year technical support
USD 150.00
 Discussion Rollup Web Part Installation Instructions download..
 Deployment Instructions for SP 2019 and SE "modern" pages download..

Installation Instructions:

  1. download the Discussion Rollup Web Part Installation Instructions (PDF file, see above) 
  2. either install the web part manually or deploy the feature to your server/farm as described in the instructions.
  3. Configure the following Web Part properties in the Web Part Editor "Miscellaneous" pane section as needed:

    • Nbr. of Posts: Enter the desired maximal number of discussion posts to be displayed (Default=5)
    • Web Part CSS Style:
      Enter the desired CSS styles to format the web part. You can apply multiple CSS styles separated by semicolons.
      Example: background-color:#ffffcc
    • Max. nbr. of words displayed: Enter the maximum number of words to be displayed in the body text.
    • Detail Link Text: enter the link's text to be displayed if the body text is truncated (see "Max. nbr. of words" setting above).

      You can embed HTML to control the rendering of the link.
      Example: <P style="MARGIN: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: right">read more..</P>

    • Suppress HTML: allows you to either suppress or enable the embedded HTML in the announcement body text.
    • Display Pictures: choose one of the available options:
      - none
      - Author
      - Embedded (show first picture embedded in the thread message)
      - Site Icon

      (If you choose to display the author's picture (as defined in the Sharepoint user profile). and no author picture is defined, a generic picture will be displayed).
    • Image Width: enter the desired width of the author's picture in pixels.
    • Default Author Picture: (optional) specify a default user picture (if there is no user picture available for the Post author) by entering a relative URL to the image. The web part supplies a built-in generic user picture if this field is left empty.


    • Display Author Name: display the name of the author in the footer area.
    • Show Presence Icon: displays or hides the discussion post author's presence icon.
    • Display List Name: display the name of the discussion list in the footer area.
    • Display Publication Date: show or hide the date of the discussion post in the footer area
    • Display "published" Date as string:  either display the published date of the discussion post as a date or as a verbose string (as. eg. "2 weeks ago").
    • Display number of replies: either show or suppress the display of the number of replies for a discussion thread.
    • Display number of Likes: either show or suppress the display of the number of Likes for a post.
    • Show only one item per List: show only the most recent item for each selected Discussion List or rather show a list of the most recent entries (ordered by "published" date) irrespective of the List.
    • Show Posts: allows you to select one of the following display modes:
      - all
      - most recent per topic only
      - original topics only
      - threaded
    • Show extra column(s): optionally show one ore multiple extra columns in the item footer area. Separate multiple entries by semicolons.


    • Header: optionally display a custom web part header. Enter any text (including optional HTML tags) 
    • Footer: optionally display a custom web part footer. Enter any text (including optional HTML tags) 
    • Property Filter: enter one or more optional Filter conditions to apply a filter.
      Combine multiple conditions with AND and OR. Enclose the column name in square brackets if you are referring to a custom column.

      Title LIKE '%Sharepoint%'
      Created > {today-5}

      Use the {username} placehoder to refer to the currently logged-in user.
      Use the {today} placeholder to refer to today's date.

    • Lists to be included: (optional) explicitly enter the Discussion Lists you want to be included (leave this field empty to include all Discussion Lists in the site collection).
      Enter the Discussion List names using the relative Discussion List URL. Separate the entries with a semicolon.

      Team Discussion;Subsite/Team Discussion;OtherSite/anotherDiscussionList

      If you append the “*” wildcard character at the end of an entry , the web part will return all discussion posts in this path.

      SomeSite* will return all posts from the “SomeSite” site and the sites below it.

      If you prefix an entry with the "!" character, the web part will exclude that list's or site’s discussion posts.

      !SomeSite/Team Discussion

    • Site Collection Name: optionally enter the URL of the desired site collection if the blogs to be rolled-up are located in another site collection.
      You can append the "*" wildcard to roll up multiple site collections as for example all discussions in your My Site application.
    • Search only subsites: Roll up only discussion lists defined in a subsite of the current site
    • Open Links in Popup Window: opens the links to the discussion thread in a popup dialog window (only available for Sharepoint 2010 and Sharepoint 2013).
    • Cache Retention Time: enter the data cache retention time in minutes (enter "0" to turn off the cache feature) to speed up consecutive page visits. The use of this feature is recommened for deep site structures.
    • License Key: enter your Product License Key (as supplied after purchase of the Discussion Rollup Web Part license).
      Leave this field empty if you are using the evaluation version.


Please enter a comment below if you have problems with the installation, want to give feedback or have suggestions for improvements:

User Comments Post a Comment 

Andrew d.  
5/22/2012 22:18 
Have you considered adding a feature to roll up each discussion thread? For example, in the image you display at the top of this page - only display one entry for the "Meaning of Life" thread instead of showing all three entries for that thread? Since the number of replies is already rolled up (i.e. to "3") - this would make sense. An optional "Show Original Author" versus "Show Last Reply Author" would also be nice. I look forward to your feedback.


5/25/2012 10:04 
we now have added the new “Show only one post per Topic” and "Show only original topics" options.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an “iisreset” command if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly.
Jaromir Kubik  
6/10/2012 16:38 
Hello, as an satisfied user of your another product I tried to install your webpart. After succesful installation and deployment it gives me this error:
AE Discussion Rollup Web Part

Error: Function 2a05cbcb-6b59-4d52-b601-a923fa2f0d21 for the list template 108 is not installed in this farm. Cannot finish the operation.

This message is displayed in the webpart window .
Using czech version of SHP 2010 Foundation.
Please give me an advice what to check.

6/11/2012 12:35 
did you create any Discussion Lists in your Site Collection ? It looks like a Sharepoint feature is missing either on the Site Collection level or in one of the sites within the site collection.
Can you temporarily put the value 4711 into the web part’s “Nbr. of Posts” setting to put the web part into “trace” mode and send us the additional output generated by the web part ?
6/14/2012 05:40 
I setup one main site with 2 sub-site

The main site is

Sub-site 1 :
Sub-site 2 :

I only want to show the Discussion Board (in main site) into 2 of my sub-site, is it possible?

I tried using Lists to be included: but it doesn't work at all.
6/14/2012 12:58 
  1. If you place the web part in one of your sub-sites (as eg. “IT” or “HR”) and only want to show the posts from the main site, then enter:
  2. If you only want to show the “Department Forum” list in the web part placed on a sub-site, please enter:
    sites/thru/IT/Department Forum (assuming that “Department Forum” is located in the “IT” sub-site)
Andrew d.  
6/25/2012 19:17 
Hello there! We have encountered an issue with the discussion roll up web part. If a user enters a new topic which contains an ellipsis ("...") it seems that SharePoint consistently throws an error: "Cannot complete this action.".

Example posting: "Test... 123?"

Can you please take a look at this - it seems to be easily reproduced.


6/26/2012 17:33 
we were now able to fix this problem.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an “iisreset” command.
9/14/2012 23:26 
We have encountered an issue with the discussion roll up web part. If a user enters a new topic which contains a colon (":"), SharePoint throws an error: "Cannot complete this action.". We are currently on Version 1.0.9.
9/17/2012 10:33 
this problem has now been fixed.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then update the solution.
10/30/2012 19:04 
Hello. Is it possible to filter or only select a certain view for the discussion?

10/31/2012 17:19 
we have now added the new „Property Filter” setting to the Discussion Rollup web part:

Property Filter:
enter one or more optional Filter conditions to apply a filter.
Combine multiple conditions with AND and OR.
Enclose the column name in square brackets if you are referring to a custom column.

Title LIKE '%Sharepoint%'
Created > {today-5}

Use the {username} placehoder to refer to the currently logged-in user.
Use the {today} placeholder to refer to today's date.

Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
12/12/2012 19:08 
I'm installing the trail version of the Discussion Rollup on office 365 and getting an HTTPS error when the page loads.
12/12/2012 19:29 
The HTTPS error is happening when I check off "display number of replies" in the property of the web part. Also when you click on the link to the actual post, I get "page cannot be displayed" error.
12/17/2012 14:46 
we have now fixed the problem regarding HTTPS and the "Comments" icon when using the web part on Sharepoint Online.
PLease re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file, deactivate the AESBDiscussionRollup solution in your Solution Gallery and then re-upload the WSP file and activate the solution.
3/12/2013 20:05 
Hi there. When using this web part on SharePoint 2013 (I get the impression 2013 is supported based on the description at the top of this page), there are two problems...

1. the # of replies option shows a dead image (X) much like you describe in the fixed SharePoint online solution. It is looking for this apparently ... /webresource.axd?d=long guid...

2. it does not show the users photo from their profile with a similar failed link

For comparison, the blog rollup does show both of these items in the farm/web application/site collection just fine
3/13/2013 13:47 
we have now fixed the problem with the images on SP2013 in combination with Internet Explorer. Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
5/3/2013 15:14 
We have hundreds of sites in our site collection, with numerous subsites in each, and various users are granted access to sites (and subsites) based on what active directory group they are in.

Does this webpart show discussions from lists that each user has access to only?
5/6/2013 16:50 
the Discussion Rollup web part does currently not apply security trimming, thus the user will get a login prompt if she/he tries to access a post in a site or list where the user has no permission.
David D  
5/31/2013 13:01 
We are using the discussion and blog webparts and tried to set the cache period to 60 minutes on each to improve performance. After doing this, most of our users are unable to see the page and get an Access Denied error. Collection Admins continue to view the page with no problems. Where do you store the cache and using what security or is there another issue?
6/1/2013 17:29 
can you indicate the web part version numbers by opening the web part tool pane and looking it up at the top ?
David D  
6/3/2013 10:31 
Hi Juerg

The discussion part is v1.0.14 and the blog part is v1.1.55
David D  
6/4/2013 18:09 
Any updates?
6/4/2013 18:54 
do you use the "Display Author Name" setting ?
If yes, can you temporarily uncheck this setting and then see if the error persists ?
The data is cached in the memory on the web front end server, so there should be no security issues caused by the cache.
David D  
6/5/2013 10:45 
We were using the Display Author Name. After disabling it we are still getting the access denied error while trying to access the page.
David D  
6/5/2013 10:54 
Looking in the sharepoint logs there appears to be an error saying List does not exist against this webpart.
7/10/2013 20:04 
can you send us the detailed ULS log entry referring to the “List does not exist” error ?
9/23/2013 13:17 
We are using your Rollup webpart Web Part Discussion Blog and Rollup Web Part, and the client has reported the following bug:
1) If you use Internet Explorer 8.0 is not finished loading the page because there is no spimn.png image, so no vertical scroll is loaded and you can´t work.
2) With internet explorer 9.0 works and also the image that is loading is diferent ( imnhdr.gif).

To solve the problem momentarily, on Monday go to production, we have disabled the option of showpresenceicon,

Can you help us? Is normal that the picture is different for ie 8.0 that ie 9.0?

Thank you very much for the help
9/24/2013 14:23 
we now made the presence indicator SP 2013 compatible for both web parts.
Please download the updated Zip files (make sure to download the version marked “for Sharepoint 2013”) from our web site, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
10/22/2013 15:56 
Hi Juerg,
Would this web part be a replacement to the Team Discussion web part that comes out of the box with SP? Also, does this web part automatically send an email notification to the author who posted the original post whenever someone comments on their post?
10/25/2013 22:08 
I am trying to specify a single discussion list to show in this web part but I can't seem to get it to work. I can exclude a list, but I can't seem to get it to only pull from a single list. I have version 1.0.22 installed. Can you help me figure out what I might be doing wrong?
10/26/2013 18:45 
the Discussion Rollup web part actually is not a replacement for the Team Discussion list but allows to roll up the most recent posts from all the discussion boards within your site collection.
To send an e-mail notification to the author of the original post using Sharepoint Designer as outlined in this article:
10/26/2013 18:54 
just enter the relative URL into the List into the web part’s “Lists to be included” setting.

The List to be included is located at:
http://somedomain/someSite/someSubsite/Lists/Team Discussion/AllItems.aspx

Please enter:
someSite/someSubsite/Team Discussion

(please make sure to not include the “/Lists/” part of the URL)
12/10/2013 20:27 
The ability for content editors to set the Cache Retention Time to 0 has had a significant impact on the performance of our intranet serving thousands of people. It's not bad initially but if they forget to reset the value to something reasonable, we can experience an outage. We'd rather users not have that type of capability.

Is there a way to limit this functionality to site administrators? Setting the cache of a front end web server really seems like an admin function.


12/12/2013 14:46 
we have now added the new “AEDU_CacheDuration” appSetting to allow to set the cache duration globally (overriding the web part’s “Cache Retention Time” setting).

Add the below “AEDU_CacheDuration” appSetting to the appSettings section of your Sharepoint application’s web.config file:

   <add key="AEDU_CacheDuration" value="120" />

Please change the value (displayed in red above) as needed.
Please also re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
12/13/2013 18:05 
@Juerg Thank you for the quick response and providing this option. Is this specific to the Discussion Rollup or does it apply to other components as well?
12/15/2013 17:08 
this setting is specific to the Discussion Rollup web part but we’ll also add this option to all the other web parts using a cache (it already has been added to the Blog Rollup and the Task Rollup web parts).
1/13/2014 19:45 
We have added a new column(MULTI SELECT) check boxes. The web part fails with an error message Error: Cannot find column [Tag]. This is true even when a simple text field is used as a custom column type. This is the only inhibition as its is compulsory requirement ie: need to ensure that filtering on custom type is supported on SP 2013 before we decide upon to buy a licence. Pls let me know if im doing something wrong or is a fix for this error msg.
1/14/2014 12:09 
please note that the Sharepoint site data query interface does not allow to roll up up columns of type “multiple selection” (this is a technical limitation imposed by Sharepoint).
This unfortunately rules out “Choice” fields using checkboxes, multiple-choice Lookup and metadata columns.

If you decide to use a text column or any other non “multiple choice” column for filtering, please enter the filter expression into the web part’s “Property Filter” as follows:


(eg. enclose the column name in square brackets, if the column is not one of the default Discussion List columns).
Dennis S  
4/28/2014 09:14 
We have a discussion board list in SP2013. We would like to show only the last 5-8 messages in the list. It shows only 1 item in the list, the latest one, when we create a new one, this one is shown.
Any idea?
4/28/2014 09:38 

the web part allows you to configure the number of posts to be displayed (Miscellaneous > Nbr. of Posts).
5/20/2014 00:59 

Is there a way to "pin" an item to the top of the list?

Maybe using the featured discussions in SharePoint?
5/21/2014 20:06 
we have now added the new „featuredOnTop” web part option (to be entered into the web part’s “Options” setting):

Please re-download the updated Zip file(SP 2013 version), extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
6/23/2014 07:39 
I did whatever you write in instruction file but when i tried to run the install2010 in sharepint server its wrote -"failed to extract the cab file in the solution"
why is this happen?
6/23/2014 10:19 
we checked the WSP solution file and everything seems to be fine.
Which version did you download ?
- Discussion Rollup Web Part
- Discussion Rollup Web Part for Sharepoint 2013
- Discussion Rollup Web Part Office365/Sharepoint Online Sandbox Version
8/29/2014 19:44 
Hi, we are using the Discussions Web Part for 2013 and we had someone post a link to a discussion. It was a long link and it spilled over the side of the web part into the next one. Is there anyway to have that not happen without needing left to right scroll bars?
9/3/2014 11:03 
to make long links breakable, please enter the belwo into the web part’s “Options” setting:

css=.AEDUbody {word-break: break-all}
12/17/2014 04:32 
Hi Juerg,
When I add displaycomments = 1, it shows only the comment. How to show both the post summary and the comments. Thanks
12/18/2014 15:32 
a Sharepoint Discussion List does not have a „Comments” feature like the Sharepoint Blog sites do.
Do you actually want to be able to display the replies to a discussion post ?
12/19/2014 11:31 
Getting the following error message when clicking on a discussion;

Version 2.0.6

"Sorry, something went wrong
Cannot complete this action.

Please try again.
Technical Details

Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

Correlation ID: 3b44d79c-f068-1000-aaf2-388fe9abf2df

Date and Time: 19/12/2014 02:27:53"

12/22/2014 14:49 
We have now fixed an issue witht the post title containing an "&" character when using the Office365 version of the web part.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
12/22/2014 16:23 
Thank you :)
3/18/2015 12:11 
We are using this webpart on our main page and we have a Site Column that we are trying to filter out. When we add the site column to the filter, the web part is saying it can't find the column. The name of the column has an underscore in it, would that affect the filter? If not that what might be the issue?
3/18/2015 16:53 
we fixed a bug when using a custom column in the web part's "Property Filter"setting.
Please also note that you need to surround the column by square brackets to indicate a custom column.


[Your_Column] = 'some specific value'

Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
4/10/2015 23:29 

We are provisioning this webpart in a site template and have an issue getting the "Lists to be included" property (aka "IncludeBlogs" property) to have the correct value when a ~site token is used in a CDATA XML block to get the current relative URL.

The webpart is provisioned with an Elements.xml file within a module, within a AllUsersWebPart element like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<Module Name="TestHome"
<File Url="default.aspx"
<Property Name="Title" Value="TestHome" />
<Property Name="PublishingPageLayout" Value="~SiteCollection/_catalogs/masterpage/TestHome.aspx, PSC Second Level" />
<Property Name="ContentType" Value="Test Page CT" />

<AllUsersWebPart WebPartZoneID="RightColumn" WebPartOrder="1">
<webPart xmlns="">
<type name="AEDiscussionRollupWebpart.AEDiscussionRollup, AEDiscussionRollupWebpart, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=43aac82daac15490" />
<importErrorMessage>Cannot import the AE Discussion Rollup Web Part.</importErrorMessage>
<property name="Title" type="string">Discussion Boards at DiscussionBoard subsite</property>
<property name="Description" type="string">Rolls up all new Discussions</property>
<property name="IncludeBlogs" type="string">~site/DiscussionBoard/*</property>

Note that "~site" in the IncludeBlogs property returns a relative address like "/sites/TestSiteCollection/TestSubSite". However, the IncludeBlogs property does not recognize this value because of the "/" slash in front. Removing this slash makes the webpart work properly.

Please make it so that the IncludeBlogs property can recognize both "/sites/TestSiteCollection/TestSubSite/DiscussionBoard/*" and "sites/TestSiteCollection/TestSubSite/DiscussionBoard/*" as the situation allows. Thanks!
4/24/2015 19:38 
we have now fixed this issue and you can use the Sharepoint ~site token in the web part’s “Lists to be included” setting.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
4/25/2015 23:09 
Amazing. You guys are awesome, thanks!
5/10/2015 11:07 
I am using a discussion list from only one site collection. Is there a way to create a new post from this webpart. I have checked the option "Show 'New' icon for new posts" but still "New Post" is not available.
Any idea ?
5/10/2015 14:13 
you can add a link to the footer area to let users add new posts (only visible for users that do have the proper list permissions).
Please note that since the web part is a “roll up” web part, it can bring back posts items from different discussion lists, but the web part in this case will only display a single link pointing to the list that is displayed as the last item in the Rollup web part.

To enable the link, please append the following to the web part’s “Footer” setting:

[addnewitem:create new post..]

(the text in “red” is the link caption which you can freely choose).
5/10/2015 16:47 
Thank you for the quick response and providing this option.
Can we show the category the discussion thread belongs to.
For Eg. I have created a new column Category which is choice (General,SharePoint,ProjectServer) and while creating the post we will select category. Is it possible to show the category as below
EPM | 6 hours ago | SharePoint | 3
5/11/2015 10:58 
we have now added the new „Show extra column(s)” web part setting, which allows you to specify one ore more additional columns to be displayed.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
6/18/2015 02:29 
Hi, I can't seem to get more than 1 item to display even tho the number of posts to display is set to 20. That 1 item will always be the latest one from the list. I've set it so it's only showing a particular list called Discussion. Please help!

6/18/2015 11:26 
please make sure to uncheck the web part's "Show only one post per List" setting.
8/4/2015 06:28 

Is there any possibility to a paging to these roll-up. To make users feel, that there are more items. Thanks
8/11/2015 17:30 
using paging is generally not a very user-friendly interface (you easily get lost when there are multiple pages), but we could add a new option to display a “more..” link which would let you expand the web part vertically to reveal more items (up to the number of maximum items specified).
9/2/2015 07:55 
1. I m using SP 2010 version and follownig error pops up when clicking on replies for posts.

Cannot complete this action.

Please try again.

Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

Correlation ID: 7a20640a-6782-4d4e-9214-8ca25719e4cc

2. Can you ommit the replies appearing on rollup. Only the original topic to be seen.
9/2/2015 10:26 
to suppress the replies, please set the web part’s „Show Posts” setting to:

original topics only
3/7/2016 21:25 
Is there a way to force the webpart to do asynchronous updates? The option to enable it is not available in the webpart properties as it is with the built-in app parts.
3/8/2016 16:09 
we have now added the new "refresh" option (to be added to the web part's "Options" setting) which allows you to set a page refresh (specified in minutes) as shown in the below example:


Please note that this will cause a page refresh (as opposed to an asynchroneous AJAX web part refresh, which we will add in the web part's next major release).
4/28/2016 05:44 
Hi Juerg can this be configured to pick up discussions from a discussion list from another site collection? As we have a community site with its own discussion list that we will like to show on our home page
4/28/2016 11:46 
please just enter the URL of your site collection into the web part’s “Site Collection Name” setting to roll up the posts from that site collection (as opposed to the current site collection).
Matthew Boland  
5/6/2016 08:19 
Hi Jeurg, We have put in the webpart however it is only showing 1 post rather than the 3 that we have specified are you able to advise?

Thank you

5/6/2016 14:44 
could it be that you checked the web part’s „Show only one item per List“ setting ?
cindy L.  
8/24/2016 21:30 
We installed the trial Sharepoint Discussion Rollup webpart for our HR users several months ago, they did not followed up and the trial expired, we removed the web part then it caused errors when the users tried to insert link “from Sharepoint”, reinstalled the web part, activated it, but then when inserted it to a page, ran into the same error – Feature ‘2a05cbcb-6b59-4d52-b601-a923fa2f0d21’ for list emplate ‘108’ is not installed.

I tried to get more output by entering “4711” in the Nbr. Of Posting, no available, can you please help?
8/25/2016 03:13 
Hi Juerg,

I installed the trial of Discussion Roll Up Webpart, however I have difficulties uninstalling it after the trial period ended.

I encountered "Could not load file or Assembly 'AEDiscussionRollupWebpart, Version= Culture......." or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

May I know how can I resolve this issue?


8/25/2016 12:07 
to completely remove the web part, please follow the below steps:
  1. Remove all the web part instances from the pages
  2. Deactivate the “AE Discussion Rollup Web Part” in the top site collection featuresin all the site collections where you activated the feature
  3. Open “Central Administration/System Settings/Manage farm solutions”, click on “aediscussionrollupwebpart.wsp” and then choose “Retract Solution”, followed by “Remove Solution”
8/25/2016 19:29 
you most probably previously installed (and then later removed) the „Bamboo Discussion Forum Plus”. This product actually changes the Discussion list template.installing the Bamboo product somehow hampers the out-of-the-box configuration, eg. the Sharepoint Discussion List template seems to be overwritten by Bamboo and then get removed when you uninstall the Bamboo product.
You might need to contact them and ask on how to restore the out-of-the box Sharepoint discussion list feature (aka. list template “108”).
cindy L  
8/25/2016 19:51 
Hi, Juerg:

Thanks so much for helping me debugging the issue, will contact Bamboo for sure
9/2/2016 01:59 
Hi Juerg, How do we pin a featured post on the top? Thanks
9/2/2016 10:25 
I assume that you refer to the Sharepoint 2013/2016 option to mark a thread as “featured”.
Would you want to have all featured at the top, followed by the regular posts (sorted by date descending) ?
5/3/2017 12:30 
Any idea when you will have version for Office 365 working again? :(
5/4/2017 11:58 
we are currently in the process of creating new versions of all our Ofice365 web parts based on the new “Sharepoint Framework” since Microsoft recently stopped supporting “sandbox” web parts on Office365/Sharepoint Online.
However, the “SPFx Framework” has only been officially released by Microsoft just a few weeks ago, which created quite a delay in our development efforts.
The web part is now scheduled to be released in June 2017.
7/7/2017 01:02 
Hi, is there a way to display the number of likes in the footer of the posts? I have tried adding column "Number of Likes" and "Aggregated Like Count" to the extra site column field however it throws back an error: Error: Number_x0020_of_x0020_Likes is neither a DataColumn nor a DataRelation for table."
7/7/2017 12:34 
to display the „Likes“ count please enter the below into the web part’s “Show extra columns” setting:

11/1/2017 23:49 
Hi Juerg,
Is there a way that we can not show posts in a discussion list based on a column sucvh as [Tag]

i.e [Tag] ≠ 'Example'

12/13/2017 11:48 
Any idea when you will have version for Office 365 working again? :(
12/14/2017 18:08 
the Sharepoint SPFx Framework based Office 365 web part is scheduled for Q1/2018.
12/14/2017 18:12 
yes, by using the below "Property Filter" setting:

[Tag] <> 'Example'
2/13/2019 19:57 
Great Web Part--am I understanding correctly that this would allow one to combine several different OOTB Discussion Boards into one Discussion Board that be can be organized into different divisions?

Also, any chance that we might see a reddit-style improvement to the interface in the future (lines connecting replies to provide a better visual of conversation, ability to upvote/downvote)?
2/20/2019 18:47 
we have now added the option to display the number of Likes and also have added the new “threaded” layout setting:

2/26/2019 17:41 
You're a saint--thank you!!!
12/17/2019 11:09 
I have installed the discussion roll-up and blog roll up. The discussion roll-up picks the profile picture from mysite.

I need profile picture to be loaded from active directory.
Can you please advise how to change this.

12/17/2019 11:37 
the most recent version of the Discussion Rollup web part (1.0.49) actually uses the “userphoto.aspx” proxy (similar to the Blog Rollup web part).
Assuming that you use an older version of the web part,
Please re-download the Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
3/9/2020 13:59 
Try to use this webpart in Tiles. And it show me som entrys but when I trie to change som valus like "Show only one item per List" nothing happens
Show only one item per List = 'false'
3/9/2020 17:07 
we have now added support for the below Discussion Rollup web part parameters when the web part is embedded in a tile:

count restricts the max. number of posts being displayed
more restricts the number of words displayed per post
pictures can be set to “Author”, “Embedded”, “SiteIcon”, “DiscussionIcon” (default is “none”)
options can be used to specify any of the options supported by the web part

Please also note that now the “Only one post per List” is now “false” by default

Please re-download and then update both the “Discussion Rollup” and the “Tiles” web parts.
niclas hultberg  
3/10/2020 08:02 
This is what I call support, you ask a question and 3 hours later the problem is solved and uploaded. And it works as expected. You made my day.

  RSS Feed   
Good web part for both FLV and WMV formats. We use it for both our external as well as our Intranet website.

Vikram Srinivasan, Inovalon Inc.

This web part is available for:
SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2016
SharePoint 2019
SharePoint SE
SharePoint 2019 'modern'
SharePoint SE 'modern'
Office 365