AMREIN ENGINEERING SharePoint Web Parts   |   Office 365 Web Parts   |   Blog   |   Support   |   Search   |   About us   |   Home  

Sharepoint Web Parts  

2019/SE Modern Web Parts  

Digital Clock Webpart  

Alerts Webpart  

Event Manager Webpart  

Sitemap Webpart  

Stock Chart Webpart  

Stock Quotes Webpart  

Dilbert Webpart  

Mega Menu Webpart  

Quote of the Day Webpart  

Webpart Tabs Webpart  

"Spotlight On.." Webpart  

"Tip of the Day" Webpart  

Lightbox Webpart  

Page HeaderSolution  

Tabs & Accordion Webpart  

Weather Webpart  

Slideshow Webpart  

Currency Rates Webpart  

Media Player Webpart  

YouTube Player Webpart  

Map Chart Webpart  

Org Chart Webpart  

Tiles Webpart  

Chart Webpart  

Google Chart Webpart  

Hero Webpart  

News Tiles Webpart  

Cafeteria Webpart  

RSS Feed Ticker Webpart  

SQL Viewer Webpart  

Google Map Webpart  

Quick Poll Webpart  

Quick Survey Webpart  

Audio Player Webpart  

Geo Mapper Webpart  

SQL Chart Webpart  

Exchange Calendar Webpart  

Exchange Events Webpart  

Call to Action Webpart  

Quick Links Webpart  

Filter Webpart  

Image Rotator Webpart  

Navigator Webpart  

KPI Webpart  

Page Hits Webpart  

Picture Menu Webpart  

Timer Webpart  

Podcast Webpart  

SQL Bullet Graph Webpart  

User Spotlight Webpart  

List View Webpart  

Staff Directory Webpart  

Birthday Reminder Webpart  

News Carousel Webpart  

Team Members Webpart  

Christmas Webpart  

Classifieds Webpart  

Image Menu Carousel Webpart  

Timeline Webpart  

Banner Rotator Webpart  

AZ Index Webpart  

Blog Roll Up Webpart  

Discussion Roll Up Webpart  

Document Roll Up Webpart  

News Roll Up Webpart  

Task Roll Up Webpart  

Calendar Roll Up Webpart  

Quick Form Webpart  

Twitter Webpart  

Upcoming Events Webpart  

Welcome Webpart  

Color Calendar Webpart  

Image Carousel Webpart  

Metro Grid Webpart  

Goal Thermometer Webpart  

Swipe Gallery Webpart  

List Items Webpart  

List Rotator Webpart  

List Search Webpart  

Bullet Graph Webpart  

Accordion & Tabs Bundle  

Accordion List Webpart  

Tabs List Webpart  

Microblog/Chat Webpart  

Toast Notifications  

Vacation Planner Webpart  

Multilevel Tile Webpart  

Inspired Tiles Webpart  

Facebook Timeline Webpart  

File Explorer Webpart  

Zip Creator  


Web Part Bundle  

Web Parts by Category  

SharePoint Web Part Bundle


We offer a bundle of our whole set of 80+ web parts. 
All web parts are SP2007, SP2010, SP2013, SP2016, SP2019 and SharePoint Subscription Edition (both "classic" and "modern" pages) compatible:

Single web front-end license, a value of USD 6,000 if purchased individually.

Price: USD 1,999

Unlimited enterprise license supporting any number of front-end servers.

Price: USD 2,999

The bundles come with a single Enterprise license key which also is valid for all new web parts to be released within one year after purchase.

To order, please either order directly online or send us a PO via e-mail to [email protected]

Technical Support Contact Information
If you find that you cannot resolve an issue using our Web Parts, our Technical Support staff will be ready to handle your technical support needs. You can reach our staff by submitting a request by email.

Premium Support contract owners may use the following phone numbers:
International: +41 62 823 75 75
Working hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 7pm CET (3am - 1pm EST)

Email: [email protected]

  RSS Feed   
We have used almost all the SharePoint AE Web parts  over the last 2  years and really like them. Their support is wonderful and we have never encountered an issue they did not resolve/respond to very quickly.

Stacy N Wilson, Attorneys’ Title Fund Services LLC